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2008 Air Quality Maintenance Integrated Management Plan

This plan began on July 24th, 2008. Until July 23th, 2009, we had already finished the analysis of the environmental loading and the air quality data from 2003 to 2008 in Yunlin County. According the data of Auto-monitoring station in Yunlin County, the number of days with PSI over 100 is 58 in 2004, and decreased to 28 in 2008. The number of days with PSI over 100 is 11 at June 2009.From January to December in 2008, the number of days with PSI lower 50 is 227. The air quality in Yunlin County has the remarkable improvement. The main pollution source in Yunlin County is FPCC, the dust on the path, construction site and vehicle. In the future we aimed to control this source of pollution. We audit the executing benefit of each specific plan, so that, the reduction of pollutant, inspection, and action plans can carry out exactly, and elevate the quality of each branch plans. According to the 2007 air pollution control plan, every control index has reached the predicted level. We finished the indoor air quality monitoring in 100 places, and the results show that they almost were lower suggested level. At one time, we took counsel 10 business in independent management. We held an Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction activity and instruction in meet. The people join the activity and meet, they would understand and do the Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction. In December of 2008, we completed yearly air quality purification area checking, and chose the first 5 units. In the period, we would finish 108 spot photography works in Zhuoshuixi River.
Air Quality, Indoor Air Quality, Strategy of air pollution Control