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2010 diesel Pollution Inspection Project

According to the statistical data from March 9 2010 to March 8 2011;In the aspect of controlling the diesel vehicles, 159,671 vehicles failed to pass the visual determination and followed an inquiry of registration data, screening and report for scrapping, handing in for cancellation, suspension of driving, etc. factors; totally 5,309 letters of notice for inspection. For roadside emission auditing, 278 vehicles were tested and 152 of them failed with a failure percentage of 54.7%. Oil sampling, sampling a total of 6,884 pieces of 402 selected for examination, has completed 402 oil quality survey report, altogether 3 are unqualified. As for the reduction volume, primary efforts have been made to obsolete the old & used diesel vehicles, improve the effectiveness against the pollution from diesel vehicle and launch the autonomous management to service providers of diesel vehicle, launch the use of low-pollution vehicles, etc. Consequently, Taoyuan County achieved a reduction volume of 64.05 metric tons in 2010 according to the data of reduction volume from Environmental Protection Administration. This project, by executing variety of vehicular control measures together with cooperation cross the bureaus and divisions plus a propagation to the populace; Taoyuan County has achieved a practical effect and a complete performance to improve the air quality.
Visual determination, Mobile source, Particulate matters, Gaseous pollutant