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The 100 annual project of mobile pollution inspection and management in Taoyuan County

Convenient, effective and creative features have been positively included by the locomotive pollution control policy of Taoyuan County in recent years. Several inspection and control works have created a national precedent with a good effectiveness, such as strenuously intercepting two-stroke motorcycle roadside, imposing sanctions on overdue and non-seized the locomotive in the use of license plate recognition, issuing reinspection checklists for reminding people that unqualified locomotive after regular inspection are required to be improved within a month, and detecting squid locomotive by smokemeters. For policy advocacy, some of the acts to make the public informed of policies and regulation contents, such as posting and sending propaganda posters at various public and private places in the county, transmitting information to each household by through advertising on bus bodies and issuing advocacy posts on campus, and achieving the declared policies to the owners of locomotive by face-to-face communication and powerful combination of the Locomotive Association of Taoyuan County and 201 locomotive inspection stations. Taoyuan country government has the ambition to improve the air quality. In this year, series of regular examination and propagation policy of the motorcycles was conducted to reduce the emission of air contaminants. Besides, well-maintained and appropriate scraping were also be included in the policy. 81.3% of regular examination rate was achieved in last year as well as ranking improved from 16th to 9th. It is the best ranking improvement among all cities and countries in Taiwan. The reduction of CO and NMHC achieved 857.0 tons/yr and 132.1 tons/ year, showing remarkable progress in pollution control.