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2012 Tainan City Green Roof and Clean Air Zones Maintenance and Management Project

In accordance with the “2012 Tainan City Green Roof and Clean Air Zones Maintenance and Management Project”, the execution of each work item is summarized below: In order to promote and maintain the effectiveness of clean air zones, continuously updated the setting of the new clean air zones and established other related information every month. The latest news published on the website instantaneously. Upload the related information of workshop and results of activities on the web. In addition, the project had setting Integrate QR code and Google Map of information about Clean Air Zones. It’s new apporoach with convenience to help people searching information about Clean Air Zones. In 2012, the project had Revise clean air zones grants, management and auditing method. Major amendments contain three point, (1) according to different kinds of Clean Air Zones had Features auditing. (2) different maintenance grants allocation ratio according to the auduting scores level from last year. (3) add with exit mechanism. It was imporve to enhance the effectiveness of maintenance and management, and show in the scores of 2012 auditing result. The 2012 Clean Air Zones totaled 197, including 25 Green Park, Green Road 21, Green Community 151, the total green area of 84.35 hectares. Estimated 197 clean air zone’s pollutant purification results which are completed in 2012, including of 873.3 ton CO2/yr. Other air pollutant including of reduce TSP 19.53 ton/yr, SOx 284.14 ton/yr, NOx 64.77 ton/yr, CO 83.57 ton/yr, O3 372.27 ton/yr, and PAH 6.46 ton/yr. Otherwise, The CO2 absorbing capacity of the 10 clean air zones in Tainan City is 6.643 tons per year in 2012. It was four meeting of Indoor air quality management laws and regulations held on 2012 to regulatory and developments to enhance advocacy of regulations. The project screening 20 public place with Category of medical institutions, public agencies, kindergarten, transportation, department store, complete the processing of the indoor air quality detecting. Assistance for improvement of 10 places to standard process detection and 3 places for experts counseling. In accordance with the detection results, medical institutes (inconsistent pollutants: CO2, HCHO), official agencies, schools (inconsistent pollutants: TVOC), kindergarten (inconsistent pollutants: PM10), transportation (mainly inconsistent pollution material: HCHO), department stores (inconsistent pollutants: HCHO, TVOC). The expert guidance to improve indoor air quality, reduce pollution source, if necessary use the hazardous substances, should be strengthen the local ventilation, and regularly maintain the Air-conditioning system. In other work, the project assist in the development of "green roof demonstration grants Regulations (draft)", "The Tainan City Government and the respective offices and schools in response to Indoor Air Quality Management Act (draft)", and in accordance with EPA latest announcements of the indoor air quality act, revise "Manual of indoor air quality management". And related work done by contract, including 5 news which published on newspaper. And a desk calendar, e-cards, coloring graffiti, advocacy animation and game production.