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The Controlling and Improving Plan For Odorous Pollution and Outdoor burning in 2012

A total of 377 cases are inspected and analyzed, and the rate of completion was 100%. At Hong Yunong production factory and others 20 companies, inspection and quantification of odorous pollution are conducted in area surrounding suspected offenders. Which in these cases, there are 9 failed must be punished and the deadline for the completion of improvements. A total of 102 cases are inspected and analyzed. The primary breakdowns of the 86 cases are as the following: 45 cases in Gukeng Gukeng Township, 34 cases in Dou Liu city. Offenders from all type of industries are introduced to methods and means to counter their individual pollution situation. 10 sessions for factories(Agriculture related factories) and 10 sessions for food and beverage companies. Conference for the promotion of industrial and livestock odor pollution control at Aug 2012 of each field, about that laws and control techniques. Completed a total cases of 561 involving burning in open air. Finding reveals that 45.8% involved large mass area consisted of combustible dry hay. Actual cases of complains received in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 are 128, 93, 86 and 77 respectively. This clearly signals a declining trend. A total of 2 night meet the people sessions plus other mass media related advertisement were held prior to the first quarter of the harvesting seasons to educate the respective public entities about the negative impact involving open air burning. A total of 4 meet the people sessions were held to educate the public about the negative impact involving burning of joss paper. During the Ching Ming Festival and hungry ghost festival, a total of 92.02 tones of joss paper are collected from many public organizations for centralized incineration.
Odorous pollution, Burning in open air, centralized joss paper burning.