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The Plan of Carbon Reduction and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption in 2013

According to IPCC scientific researches released in 2013, the fact that anthropogenic activities have hastened the climate change is unquestionable. In view of that, actions to cope with environmental shocks resulted from the climate change and to ensure national security and sustainable development have become front burners that challenge state governments worldwide. In addition to reducing carbon emission, adapting the general lifestyle and the entirety of socioeconomic mechanism to the altering global environment and climatic conditions could be a crucial gateway towards sustainability and lasting existence. The aim of this project is to increase public understanding of climate change and subsequently foster their knowledge and skills in respect of it, to raise public awareness regarding the necessity of adaptive actions against climate change, as well as to widely convey the causality between carbon emission reduction and climate change. The project reaches its objectives by means of holding activities. For example, by holding the ‘World Environment Day’, the project appealed the masses for more concerns about climate change and thereby formed a tendency continuingly affecting the general life.And introduce from American Red Cross will introduce gaming experience climate risk and climate risk management Moreover, the project continued holding the ‘Action Mark’ application to approve more domestic companies of their active efforts to energy saving and low carbon actions. The approvals could be seen as an encouragement that urges more individuals and businesses as well to carry out greener actions or strategies that consequently are transformed into a widespread fascination.
Climate change、Climate Defense、Action Mak、World Environment day