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2013 Project of Air quality maintenance management in Taichung City

This project for 2013 includes the following main works: gathering, investigating, organizing and compiling air quality and environmental background data in this city; assisting in the planning, drawing up and review of major EPB measures regarding controls; assisting in EPA’s annual audits and in Bureau’s audit on air pollution projects; meetings, ropaganda and people satisfaction; and project management (incl. system maintenance and the controlling & evaluation measures of the Project). There are all 54 works. The funds of this project is NT$8.42 million. Dedicated human power specified by the contracts include a project manager and eight project engineers, and non-dedicated human power are project leader and co-host.The results of the stage are Extraordinary grade (the top ranking) for special municipalities in 2012 and prize money at NT$1 million awarded by EPA. In the improvement on air quality, Taichung City was reassigned as Class 2 control regions for ozone and total suspended particles since Jan. 1, 2013, meeting the standard of air quality. Important control police is to plan on total quantity control operation of Taichung Harbor area and to assist in drawing up regulations on greenhouse gas control & reduction to be in line with the autonomous regulations regarding low carbon. The subjects of 2013 EPB evaluation involve participation in and evaluation of 18 projects; evaluations include project management (with 25% weight), which involves four indices; EPA evaluation (with 40% weight), which involve seven indices; EPB evaluation (with 35% weight), which involve four indices; and extra-point items (with 4% weight), which involve three indices. Completed meetings are 23 sessions by the "Committee for management of air pollution control funds". According to the results of Model simulations, the control of O3 precursors concentration indicated that O3 formation is VOCs-limited in this city. In order to achieve the O3 air quality standards, the cities and counties are necessary to reduce VOCs emission in center Taiwan. Reduction emissions of road dust and construction sites contribute to decrease total suspension particle concentration. Total suspension particle concentration does not significantly decrease with decreasing the NOX and SOX emission.
air quality, EPA evaluation, EPB evaluation, total quantity control