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The Integration Plan of Air Quality to Manintain, Improve, and Strain

This scheme was carried out from June 18, 2014 to June 17, 2015, with the main tasks of monitoring, oversight, and evaluation of the execution quality of the air pollution control fund plans. The objectives are to ensure that the expected goals can be met, and the concrete achievements and special outcomes can be integrated to meet the evaluation of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). Other tasks include updating the environmental loading and pollutant discharge data of this county, analyzing the air quality monitoring results, and discussing the causes of the poor air quality incidents. The results are provided to the Bureau of Environmental Protection as a reference for modifying the short-term air pollution control strategies. In terms of air quality analysis, analysis pollutant standards index (PSI) from 2002 to 2014. Since 2005, ozone indicator (O3) accounts for the majority among the ratio of poor air quality in northern Taiwan (PSI>100), while in 2014, the ratio decreased to 0.07%. In 2014, the ratio of PSI<50 slightly decreased to 48%, it is impact of transboundary long-transport. The pollutant monitoring values remained Class 2 control regions of the air quality standards. Concerning the supervision and management of plans of air pollution control strategies, this scheme checked the execution progress and quality of the plans on a monthly basis, compiled the results for the Bureau of Environmental Protection as a reference to propose improvement plans. In order to establish the overall direction of this scheme, one session of training seminar on air pollution control and management, eight sessions on field supervision, three sessions on internal work coordination, and two sessions on work review and expert consultation, thus improving the work performances and execution quality. In 2014, in the performance evaluation average score are 87.29, which is evaluation for “Exceptional”. In terms of media promotion, mass media are used to allow the local residents learning more about the efforts made by the Bureau of Environmental Protection in creating a clean, healthy, and comfortable environment. During the project course, 5 times of print media, thus enhancing the public satisfaction on the works of the Bureau of Environmental Protection. In summarying of the air quality improvement achievements in 2014, the ratio of PSI>100 was 0.07%, the ratio of PSI<50 was 48%, and the hourly average of O3 was 102.7 ppb, they all reached the air quality improvement target of 2014. Regarding the pollutant reduction amount, SOx was reduced by 851 tons, NOx was reduced by 1,538 tons, NMHC was reduced by 1,803 tons, PM10 was reduced by 1,565 tons. In this year, the accomplishments of cross-departmental promotion of electric buses and low emission vehicles have been recognized by the EPA. The annual performance evaluation has remained “exceptional” for consecutive six years.
air pollution, pollution load, air pollution control