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Inspecting and Reducing Control Strategies for the Fugitive Particulate Emission.

The project includes three parts of tasks, improvement of fugitive particulate pollutant law and control strategy, reduction of pollutants by initiating fugitive particulate pollutant control, and practice of evaluations in counties and cities in order to enhance the performance of controlling fugitive pollution sources and achieve the objective of improving air quality. In the project, the drafts of Management Regulations for Construction Engineering Air Pollution Control Facility and Air Pollution Control Facility Management Regulations for Stationary particulate pollutant have been revised. The project provides example of Air Pollution Control plan which should be provided by first class construction site before construction starts. The operation coefficient of street-sweeping vehicles has been simulated for more than 100 times and operation regulation has been completed. The approaches of emission coefficients of PM2.5 by 5 different pollution catagories has been studied and 20 samplings has been conducted to deduce the emission coefficients. The approaches of emission coefficients of PM2.5 produced at cargo ports has been established. Compiling results of emission estimation in 2012 and 2013, the format of the sheets used in emission estimation in the future has been completed. In addition, regulations of leaf blower in foreign countries has been collected as reference of domestic rule. The feasibility of utilizing different types of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UVA) as an audit tool has been studied by 20 flights. From the study, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with six rotors is the best choice for audition for local burea. To assist local bureau to regulate fugitive particulate emmited by specific industries, inspection work of the roads in industry park has been completed. Concerning the pollution produced by steel industry, 6 factories had been selected and inspected. The report will be referred for further regulation in the future. Besides, to promote methods of fugitive particulate Air Pollution Control, gorvernemnt staffs and company representitives were both invited to the demonstrations of Control methods for gravel industry and river dredging activity held in Shinchu and Nantou. The project also completed associated adminastrative advocation, including revising the manual of methods of fugitive particulate Air Pollution Control, completing advocation vedio clips, maintaining website and system of fugitive particulate regulation, and assisting local burea with the problems realted to database.
Fugitive Particulate, Street Sweeping, Construction