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2015 Project of Prevention and control the riverbed fugitive dust in Taichung City

The main tasks of this project in 2015 are as followings: collect the environmental background data, update and maintain the early warning system of the fugitive dust from riverbed; sampling and analysis the fugitive dust; environmental clean-up operations; conduct the meetings, propaganda and public satisfaction surveys; and project management.As of September 30, the percentage of achievement in contract execution of project was 100%, The budget of this project is 8.765 million NTD. Dedicate manpower requirements of the contract project leader, project manager, project engineers and administrative personnel stationed EPA total of five people. Annual outcomes included purchase the data of satellite empty shot map for four quarters. Update and maintain the early warning system of the fugitive dust from riverbed. Conduct emergency drill of river dust event. Implement sampling and analysis of river dust 19 times. Construction dust control measures in school. Implementation of environmental clean-up work 70 days, a total of 4,130.12 km. Handle two contact meeting and five advocacy meetings, a total of 703 people the number of participants. Air pollutants PM10, and PM2.5 be reduced 37 and 12 tons per year.
riverbed fugitive dust, monitoring and analysis, early warning system