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A Project of Greenhouse Gas Reduction management system and deliberations

While meeting the contracted objectives in the commissioned project guidelines, the Project represents the accumulation of work ranging from the continual policy development of domestic Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reductions for industries. Thus far, the project has successfully delivered the following outcomes: (1)To analyze the trend of GHG policy and scheme, including aggregating weekly news, researching international reduction recognition schemes and domestic voluntary reduction program promoted by Taiwan Industrial Development Bureau and 20 reduction projects. (2) To create three legislative drafts for “GHG Offset Projects Regulations”, ”Reduction Credit Accounts Regulations” and “Directions for Reduction Recognition Committee” and to determine main factors for setting GHG emission performance standards and relevant reward scheme, in accordance with Article 17 and Article 22 of Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act. (3)To review 60 GHG Offset Projects and methodologies and hold 30 initial review meetings and 3 reduction recognition meetings. (4)To review 5 applications of reduction credit accounts and credit usage as well as provide seasonal reports to the central competent authority, EPA, for credit track. (5) To maintain the National GHG Registry in response to the domestic GHG policies and management as well as regularly conduct system security test on a weekly basis and half-year basis.
Early Action Project, Offset Project, Reduction Credits