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A Project of Greenhouse Gases Voluntary Reduction Scheme and GHG Emission Performance Standard (EPS) Regulatory Policy

Taiwan Environment Protection Administration has obligations to promote the Greenhouse Gases Voluntary Reduction Schemes under Article 22 of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act (this Act). This project is mainly not only for developing the GHG Emission Performance Standard (EPS) Reward Program but also for implementing and continuously optimizing the GHG Offset Program in accordance with Article 22 of this Act. This project has followed up the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) latest decisions and has a good knowledge of UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM), China Certified Emissions Reductions (CCER) and J-Credit scheme. These results are taken as references in drafting GHG EPS Reward Regulations and optimizing the review process of the GHG Offset projects. This project also has reviewed 21 project document designs (PDDs) for registration, 1 case for credit issuance and 11 methodologies for recognition, and completed 5 transcriptions of CDM methodologies and 5 related case studies under the GHG Offset Program. With regard to developing EPS and relevant reward rules, this project has drafted and assisted to promulgate the GHG EPS Reward Regulations as well as drafted 3 EPSs reward methodologies, specifically for ice-storage air-conditioning system of the electronic industries, for the cement industry and for iron and steel industries. As for the reduction credits management, this project has reviewed 2 account applications, 5 changes of account information, 3 cases for credit transfer, 11 cases for credit withdrawal and 4 cases for appointing specific usage. In addition, this project has initiated the emission allowances management planning, specifically for structure, functions and logic operation of management platform, and drafted the emission allowance management platform regulations.
Offset Program, Reduction Credits, Performance standard