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105-109 Hsinchu City Clean Vehicle Installation Smoke Filter Operation and Maintenance Plan

The Hsinchu City Environmental Protection Bureau focuses on air quality improvement and mobile pollution source control. It plans to implement the "105-109 Hsinchu City Clean Vehicle Installation Smoke Filter Operation and Maintenance Plan" to reduce diesel vehicle exhaust emissions, enhance government image and improve public perception , For the city’s old garbage cleaning vehicles to install smoke filters, 12 sets of smoke filter rental installation work, in order to improve the pollution caused by diesel vehicles, and during the implementation of the implementation of vehicle tests to verify the effectiveness, durability and Reduction benefit. The results of this project are: screening and matching the list of vehicles with smoke filter installed. The total number of vehicles that can be installed with smoke filter is 26. In addition, 24 vehicles have been tested for smoke level and 21 vehicles have been repaired before installation, based on the pollution level before installation. According to the maintenance results, the list of priority installation of smoke filters was screened, and the installation of smoke filters was completed from May 4, 105 to July 30, 105. The pollution removal rate after the installation of smoke filters reached 97% to 100%. The average removal rate is 99%; and the difference in horsepower ratio measured before and after the installation of the smoke filter has not been reduced by more than 10%. From August 105 to December 109, 53 maintenance tasks were completed, and the annual PM2.5 was estimated during the period. The reduction amount is estimated to be 0.0863 tons, and the TSP reduction amount is estimated to be 0.0938 tons. During the implementation period, 20 training sessions are conducted to ensure that vehicle users can regularly perform automatic regeneration operations.
105-109 Hsinchu City Clean Vehicle Installation Smoke Filter Operation and Maintenance Plan