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Motorcycle Exhausted Emission Regular Inspection and Inspection Station Quality Control

The regular motorcycle exhaust inspection system has been implemented for 20 years since started in 1996.The key programs of the year included evaluation and appropriation of subsidy, visits counseling for inspection stations, equipment certification for inspection stations, standard gas sampling, audit and calibration of the emission analyzer, control policy evaluation , organizing relevant conferences , database system operation and maintenance, and statistical analysis of regular inspection effectiveness, etc. In 2016, there were about 7.63 million inspection records that qualified for the subsidy conditions in the country and amounted to about $610 million of appropriated funds. Through the official e-Billing system, the appropriation time has shortened to 0.8 months, the appropriation efficiency of which had double increased. Through full-scale screening of inspection photos, effectively reducing the problems derived from miskeying of license plate numbers, thereby decreasing the non-subsidy rate due to miskeying from 0.08% in 2011 to 0.03% in 2016. Through the on-site counseling, related problems for subsidy application have been improved and through real visits to clarify the abnormal reasons of re-inspection date in the inspection stations. The exceeding rate is only 3% among the in-use standard gas samples examination. Therefore, the failure rate in the 30 inspections was 10%. All the failures are due to the failure in the accuracy test. According to charging way, sources of law, regulatory procedure optimization, inspection capacity and cost review for possible suggestions on the evaluation assessment of owners at their own expense inspection and open of inspection stations establishment. The overall inspection rate of sampling in 2016 was 71.42%, the failure rate of first inspection was 7.76%. After motorcycles that had done the re-inspection and made improvement, their CO and HC emissions had decreased 11,681 and 1,493 metric tons, respectively. A total of 405,927 motorcycles had been eliminated, recycled or scraped due to the inspection system, and their CO and HC emissions had decreased 4,955 and 1,919 metric tons, respectively. According to the results of the analysis of test samples with different inspection habits, regular inspection can help maintain a good motorcycle condition and reduce pollutant emissions.
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