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Study of Measurement Method and Control Strategy of Particulate Matter Emissions from Stationary Sources

PM2.5 emitted from stationary emission sources is the important source of air pollutions. It is characterized by high emission, concentration and toxicity, and the government should develop strategies to control the emission. For the purposes of decreasing the impacts of PM2.5 on healthy, environment, and economics, this study focus on the evaluation of sampling method, PM2.5 emission situation, establishing regulations and charging system. This project is composed of four parts (sampling method examination, situation inspection, regulation development and charging system evaluation). The results shows that the particle loading in the selective inlet will the underestimate the mass concentration. CPM2.5 will be affected by sampling time, nitrogen purgeing, analysis method and the the filter holder design. Using high resolution balance can lower the method detection limit. The FPM2.5 and CPM2.5 concentration will affected by the industries, processes, control devices and flue gas temperature. The ratio of FPM2.5/TSP or CPM2.5/TSP have a discrepancy between the model and our results. The duct diameter, particle characteristics and water content are main factors to consider when choosing the PM CEMS。The bag house is most effective control device for collecting FPM2.5 and the hybrid control device is also an option for FPM2.5 control. Decreasing temperature and SOx concentration in the flue gase are the ways to decrease the CPM2.5 concentration. There are some requirements before developing the PM2.5 standard and emission fee. The suggestions such as increasing the reliability of the sampling method, developing the localization emission inventory, and clarifying the characteristics of the sources are nessary for determining the emission inventory.
PM2.5, Statinary emission, condensable particular matter, PM CEMS