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Taipei City Plan for Strengthening Auditing of Air Pollutants Emitted by Mobile Pollution Sources (Motorcycles)

Taipei City has a large number of motorcycle users, and motorcycles constitute one of the main pollution sources in the Taipei metropolitan area. In order to realize effective management of mobile pollution source control operations, in FY 2018 the Environmental Inspection Division, Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government commissioned Envimac Technology and Consultants Corporation to implement the “Taipei City Plan for Strengthening Auditing of Air Pollutants Emitted by Mobile Pollution Sources (Motorcycles).” The Plan implementation period was from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018. As of December 31, 2018, the overall Plan implementation completion rate was 100%. A total of 6,005 roadside inspections had been performed, with a failure rate of 8.3%. Cross-checking against the motorcycle periodic inspection database showed that 4,532 of the motorcycles in question were subsequently brought in for re-inspection, giving a re-inspection rate of 78.8%. License plate recognition technology was used to record motorcycles on Taipei City roads on 411,306 occasions; of these, there were 261,051 instances of a license plate number appearing only once, giving a repeat rate of 36.5%. 30.1% of the motorcycles in question were registered in Taipei City. A total of 50,000 second reminder notifications were sent to the owners of motorcycles registered in Taipei City that had not been brought in for inspection. The cumulative rate of completed inspection was 41.6%. According to an announcement issued by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), the total number of motorcycles registered in Taipei City as of December 2018 that were required to undergo periodic inspection was 712,871. The actual number of motorcycles that underwent periodic inspection was 508,408, representing a periodic inspection completion rate of 71.3%. The number of motorcycles brought in for inspection that underwent repairs which brought them into conformity with legal requirements was 34,704. Linear source emissions coefficient calculations using the EPA's Taiwan Emissions Data System (TEDS) Version 7.1 showed that the improvement in air pollutant emissions from motorcycles that underwent roadside inspection and subsequent repairs can be estimated to equate to a reduction in carbon monoxide emissions of 263.72 tons per year, and a reduction in hydrocarbon emissions of 201.69 tons per year.
Taipei City , motorcycle, mobile pollution source