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2018 chiayi county stationary sources permit system and volatile organic compounds inspect and control plan

The main work items are as follows:(1) Permission review and issuance, (2) Permission on-site inspection, (3) Volatile organic compounds Regulatory review and inspection, (4) Annual emissions quantities check for the premises which have been announced in 2 batches, (5) Air pollution fees review, (6) Air Pollution fee late payment, (7) Air pollution fees Factory coefficient review, (8) On-site inspection, (9) Gas stations control, (10) Industrial area control, (11) Database expansion, maintenance and updates, (12) Supervision and periodic tests review, (13) Repeated petition cases control, (14) Holding meetings for related policies or law announcement / education and training, (15) Other work items. In addition to (7) air pollution fees Factory coefficient review without the factory to apply, the rest of the work of the quantitative objectives, are completed within the implementation period.
stationary sources, permit, database, air pollution fees