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The citizen service of mobile pollution plan in 2018A.D.

The Deaprtment of Environmental Protection (DEP) of Taoyuan City cooperate with the Executive Yuan’s Environmental Protection Administration for promoting the subsidy program of phasing-out the two-stroke motorcycles and purchasing electric two wheelers. Our project is entrusted with the tasks of relevant policies of mobile pollution source, including handling the subsidies for phasing-out the two-stroke motorcycles and low-pollution vehicles. Additionally, the cases of high-emitting vehicles reported by the public should be reviewed. In response, the DEP of Taoyuan City formulated the“Autonomous Regulations on Developing Taoyuan City as a Low-Carbon-Emission and Green City”for conducting the subsidies for phasing-out the two-stroke motorcycles, purchasing the low-pollution vehicles and handling the cases of reported high-emitting vehicles by the public. Base on this practice, the owners would be more willing to repair or phase out vehicles that are checked randomly by the public. This would be a good way to accelerate goal achievement that includes speeding up the elimination of two-stroke motorcycles and encouraging people to purchase low pollution vehicles, thereby improving the city’s air quality. This project is from April 2nd, 2018 to December 31st, 2018. The statistics computed until December 31st , 2018 that shows the results of the project as follows: 1. Handling the reported high-emitting vehicles: a total of 509 cases have been handling and verifying. One hundred and thirty one of the cases have already notified, punished and offered a reward for reporting. 2. Handling the elimination of two-stroke motorcycles and subsidies for low pollution vehicles: a total of 25,874 cases have been handling, including qualification examination, the case of application rejection and incomplete application, appropriate subsidies and so on. 3. Handling the inspection of the subsidies: a total of 1,676 cases have been handling. Seventeen of the cases are irregular cases which have been reported to the Department of Environmental Protection for the follow-ups. 4. Promotions of low pollution vehicles and charging stations: to investigate the use of charging stations in community and enterprise, to inspect the use of electric motorcycle exclusive parking spaces. Taoyuan city already have 1,010 charging stations and already handled 5 promotional activities of low pollution vehicles. 5. Establishing online subsidy system for low-carbon modes subsidy application: the system is already completed. Three illustration meetings are be organized in December and the total participants was about 250 people.
high-emitting vehicles, two stroke motorcycle, low pollution vehicle