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The audit plan of enterprise regular inspection declaration and environmental analysis quality assurance

The project conducts a comprehensive and in-depth review of the current status of operations in public and private companies and its entrusted inspection and environmental analysis institutions by screening the recent violations of illegal emissions or significant pollution, and guides the stationary pollution source to upgrade its environmental analysis data. The audit process will be further strengthened by carrying out inspection data review education training and developing relevant audit specifications documents. The team has completed the guidance of the stationary pollution source audit process and the inspection guideline of the waste incineration process. The "Inspection Committee Consensus Symposium" was completed on June 25th, 2019 and the instructions for the audit of stationary pollution sources and the key points of data/test report verification were instructed to improve the quality of the inspection and report check. The "Pre-Study Conference on Stationary Pollution Sources Inspection" was organized by the Environmental Analysis Institute and our team on June 27th, 2019. Thirsty-four of stationary pollution sources and twenty of environmental analysis companies have been checked until now, 2019, however, the emissions from Yuanhong Development Co., Ltd., Yongyi Industrial Co., Ltd., Pingtuo Technology Co., Ltd. Pingnan No. 1 Factory, Sanshun Paper Co., Ltd. has exceeded the emission standards for the test items. The test reports of the four companies will be transferred to the inspectorate of the responsible area for following processing. The five rounds of “stationary pollution source audit practice training” in North, Central, South, East and Outlying Islands have been held in October and November. The audit guideline of stationary pollution sources and environmental analysis agencies inspection will be proposed and completed, and further investigation and recommendations will be provided as a reference.
Stationary pollution source, Regular inspection declaration, Environmental analysis quality assurance