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Project f or Air Quality Management Strategies Communication Platform

This project is responsible for offering an integrated platform to gather the air quality information together. We would promote the exchanging of opinions among researchers, policy makers, and citizens through documents reviewing and holding meetings about air quality improvement and air pollution control policies. Results of this project could become the references which would extract some reasonable suggestions to air quality policies. This project reviewed and collected information about air quality standards and control strategies of different countries and gave advices about air quality standards and air quality control district amendment abstracts. According to the latest 3-year air quality monitoring data and our local conditions (such as climate, geographic location, topography), the policy trend of other countries, and the advices from experts and citizens, which collected through holding public hearing and expert consulting meeting, this project suggested to set air quality standards steps by steps, priority is given to tightening the precursors sources of PM2.5, including PM10, SO2, NO2, etc. However, the improvement of air quality must be promoted in conjunction with relevant regulatory actions. Thus, this project also gathers the international trends of control measures and strategies providing policy making references. In Taiwan, the Air Pollution Fund has supported academic institutions to handle scientific research projects for various policies. It is necessary to continuously integrate the implementation results and feedback on the development of air quality policies. This project has consolidated the scientific research results by holding 5 seminars and summarized the results to abstract the accessible ideas for policy-making. We also listed highlights of air quality control policy in each county and city in Taiwan as a reference of further exchanging. Also, this project already held the Fine Suspended Particles (PM2.5) Control and Air Quality Seminar and the Correlation of Air Quality with Visibility and Meteorological Conditions Seminar, and Health Assessment Research Seminar. It is expected to grasp both the forward-looking research implementation and ongoing policies and to promote integration of existing resources and thus increase the capacity of air pollution control policies. Furthermore, we have held environmental science education contests in cooperation with environmental protection organizations for high school and college students along with 3 Air Quality Knowledge Seminars in Northern, Central and Southern Taiwan. The proposals of participants are mainly in the fields as following: feeling about air quality, employing air quality data, air quality knowledge, air pollution control policy advice, improve air quality by your own. These works are presented by different means such as video, poster, presentation, drama, cosplaying, and wheelbarrow show. The concept of air quality protection would take root and spread outwards, and would promote the participation of all citizens in air quality improvement actions.
Air quality improvement, Popular science education, Management Strategies Communication