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108 Building Low-Carbon Sustainable Communities in Keelung City

The content of this project involves: (1) operations related to the implementation of the greenhouse gas control implementation plan ,(2) implementation of the promotion of Low-Carbon Sustainable Communities, (3) Greenhouse gas inventory operations, and(4) Perform various operations of EPA assessment. The key achievements of various implementation results are described below. Greenhouse gas control implementation plan structure based on EPA ’s control strategy, divided into 6 groups (Energy group, Manufacturing group, Transportation group, Business group, Agriculture group and Environment group) to promote related work. This year's plan has completed the work assignment of each group and reached this year's goals. It is expected to reach the city's 2020 regulatory target. Low-Carbon Sustainable Communities achievements involves: Assisted 6 villages in Keelung City to successful registration, 3 villages to obtain a bronze rating, and 11 villages to extend the validity period of their bronze rating. In addition, assisted 3 villages and 2 administrative districts to build a low-carbon sustainable environment. The results of the greenhouse gas inventory involves: (1) Completed the on-site inspection of 2 listed companies and 8 non-listed companies. (2) Analyze the difference in greenhouse gas emissions between last year and this year. And (3) Propose strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Finally, assist the EPA and EPB in various administrative operations to achieve the EPA ’s various control objectives.
Low-Carbon Sustainable Communities