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Development and management of national climate change adaptation plan

The accelerating climate change has led to a significant impact on the global environment. In order to confront the impact of environmental change, the government in Taiwan has been developing climate change adaptation since 2009. The focus of this year includes international National Adaptation Plan studies and analyzations, National Adaptation Plan development for Taiwan, National Climate Change Action Plan achievement consolidation, climate change adaptation achievement forum organization, and adaptation information sharing platform construction. The main achievements are summarized as follows: 1.Adaptation process, challenges, regulations, and practices of Japan, Korea, Singapore, New Zealand, Germany, and California have been reviewed, and the differences in legislative spirit, writing, and scope of each region have been analyzed. Among all, adaptation in California has been quite mature, with the logical regulation formation and clear regulation text. Current implementation obstacles are an accumulation of practical work experience, which could be an example of adaptation development in Taiwan. 2.The latest United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement on resilience has been collected. Resilience related issues and resolutions over the years have been sorted out. 3.Assisted EPA to complete the report of 2018 adaptation action plan results. Finished editing upload function on the adaptation platform, and collecting the first draft of 2019 adaptation action plan results. Finished writing the report of 2019 adaptation action plan results in the capacity building sector. Self-assessment forms have been completed and seminars reviewing form results have been held. 4.Collected actions related to legislation and policy transformation, adaptation knowledge promotion, regional adaptability improvement, and localized adaptability improvement from all sectors and local governments. Adaptation led by central authorities is executed by the adaptation action plan. Local governments have different awareness and attitudes towards adaptation work in different cities and counties. The responsible bureau is scattered to the Environmental Protection Bureau, Urban and Rural Development Bureau, Urban Development Bureau, Water Resources Bureau, and Agriculture Bureau. With most of the adaptation work is additional to mitigation work, there is no consistency nationally. 5.Domestic and foreign data have been collected and analyzed, in order to draw up a suitable method for adaptation pathway construction for Taiwan. 6.In response to the amendment of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, text and provisions with adaptation spirit have been drafted. One consulting symposium has been held for amendment discussion. The preliminary consensus includes principle-based framework legislation, adaptation separated from mitigation highlighting its particularity and importance, adaptation planned nationally and incorporated with climate emergency concept, mature actions or actions integrated into other regulation could be proposed to highlight national achievements. 7.Four symposiums in eight different venues have been completed. Relevant requirements including theme design, committee members and participants invitations are fulfilled. The Adaptation Forum has been held, with foreign scholars sharing international adaptation development policy, Water Resources Agency and Construction and Planning Agency explaining water resources and land use utilization results, and six municipalities sharing local adaptation achievements. 8.News or articles have been translated each month and uploaded to the adaptation platform. 9.New upload function of adaptation platform is added, providing more convenient and rapid information exchange channels for all departments. Google Analytics is installed on each page, in order to record user behavior as a reference for subsequent website updates and modifications. 10.Page by page English translation work for the adaptation platform is completed. Constructed English website corresponding to structure from the Chinese version. Finished editing code for website framework. 11.Five consulting symposiums of varying sizes have been held, and more than 10 experts and scholars have been invited. Topics included: regulation deliberations, implementation plan in the high-risk area, the connection between national spatial plan and adaptation, feasible pathway for adaptation development for Taiwan.
Climate change, adaptation, national climate change action plan