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National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report Compilation and Statistical Improvement Project

National Reports under the United Nations Framework Convnetion on Climate Change (UNFCCC) contain national greenhouse gas inventory report (NIR), national communication(NC), biennial report(BR), updated biennial report(BUR) and national adaptation plan report etc., which are submitted to the UNFCCCC secretariat by developed and developing Parties in different periods and very important for understanding the implementation progress and judging the impletement accomplishment of UNFCCC. They also would be emerged to the transparency of parties’ results for tackling climate change under Art.13 of Paris Agreement and be inputs for global stocktake under Art.14 of Paris Agreement. In end of 2012, Taiwan EPA convened the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory committee and hosted several review meetings. Till now 2014 and 2015 ROC’s NIRs had been compiled and published. The Legislative Yuan adopted Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act (hereinafter to be referred as GHG Act) in June 2015. Art. 13 of GHG act and its enforcement rules requests central competent authority must compile national inventory and national report on GHG. So far, the newest report is ROC’s 2021 national inventory and national report launched on the end of 2021. In the trend of more attention on international GHG data and report, this project aims to grasp the negotiation progress of the relative modalities under UNFCCC and PA and the tendency of international emissions. Besides it focuses on assisting Taiwan EPA to construct and promote the systematic operational mechanism for national GHG inventory, including the operation of review committee of national GHG inventory, maintain and update the web-basis registry platform of national GHG inventory based on 2006 IPCC guideline, confirm the statistical scope of carbon sinks in wetlands system, refinement of refrigerant usage and emission statistics of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, complete 2021 Taiwan NIR, compile draft national report(Chinese and English Edition), establish a webpage for the 2021 inventory and compiling a executive summary in English summary for promoting understanding of the public on national GHG inventory. The main objectives of this project include: 1.Assist Taiwan EPA to operate the review meetings of national GHG inventory committee, and complete to compile and publish Taiwan 2021 NIR. 2.Establish a system for estimating Taiwan greenhouse gas emissions from fuel combustion and non-fuel combustion emission sources to review degree of achievement of reduction target and reasons affecting greenhouse gas emissions. 3.Establish a standardized statistical framework and methods for wetland carbon sinks in line with international standards, and refine Taiwan carbon sink data. 4.Analyze international HFCs emission reduction strategies, establish Taiwan localization coefficients, estimate and analyze reduction potentials.
National Inventory Repot, Green House Gas, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change