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The application of AI intelligence for inspection of deteriorating air quality in Dafa industrial park

The objects of this project are to understand the pollution from exhausted stack, the spatial distribution, transmission and sedimentation of pollution, and the relationship with nearby air quality by using the scientific instruments, Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) identification system in Dafa Industrial Park. The implementation and results are described as follows: The AI intelligent air pollution identification system have been installed in 9 stations and executed 6 measurements of pollution by using 3-D LiDAR and Mini-CEMS(Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems), individually. The information of pollution has been collected and analyzed around 17,550 hours for convolutional neural network (CNN) computational learning, AI image identification and instant pollution notification. There are more than 10 pollution events found and assisted 10 inspection of pollution events which are against with Air Pollution Control Act etc.. This project has broken the traditional methodology with automation, intelligence, networking, and systemization to improve the effectiveness of environmental inspections, reduce the concentration of pollution, maintain the air quality, and protect people’s health. Furthermore, the massive data collected from this project will also be used as the reference for scientific research, environmental assessment and policy planning.
Air pollutants, AIoT, LiDAR