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Establishment of Platform for Air Quality Model in Taiwan(2)

The purpose of this project is to setup Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) grid model for simulating the air quality in Taiwan in order to reduce the differences among various air quality models and users. Nesting grids have used in this project in order to include the emissions in eastern Asia. Both WRF and CMAQ have 25 sigma layers and there are 8 layers below 2000 m. The WRF, SMOKE and CCTM have been installed in National Center for High-Performance Computing this year. In order to update to TEDS11, the base year is 2019 for this year project. Therefore, the natural and anthropogenic emissions in eastern Asia have been updated to year 2019 by integrating MEIC-2017, EDGAR-5.0, MIX, Global shipping and land use data. In addition to the four types of emission sources developed in the first year, emission for new sources, like permit and EIA, and control strategy have been developed this year. The base year 2019 have been simulated by using CMAQv5.3. The percentages of agreement for model performance for simulating fine particle and ozone are 96.7% and 91.7%, respectively, for the whole Taiwan;those are 84%/80% and 97.5%/97.5%, respectively, for case month/season. But those for nonpaired ozone peak concentrations are only 75%/68.8%, therefore, they need to be improved. The exchange platform has been installed in Taiwnia 1 and there are 8 parts within the platform: Latest news, About platform, Display, Download, Training, comments, website and management.
Emission, SMOKE, Air Quality, CMAQ