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110 Hsinchu City Project of Promoting and Maintaining Clean Coasts and Performance Management Supervision and assessment and Dengue Fever Breeding Source Elimination Plan

Implementation content: (1) The current situation of the coastal environment and the development of clean-up strategies. The short- and mediumterm promotion goals have been planned, and the follow-up will continue to assist in policy development. (2) Conduct strategic discussions with management units through meetings. There were 47 coastal environmental inspections, and the garbage density was clean to low-density; clean-up supervision and removal inspection were conducted 119 and 32 times, and there were no irregularities at the site; another 32 notifications of coastal messiness were carried out. The information was updated on the Coastal Cleanup Information Platform on the 10th of each month, with a total of 58 reports, with a total of 65.975 tons of rubbish cleaned up; assisting 31 groups to remove rubbish. Two sessions of "Coastal Environment Maintenance-related Meetings" were handled in July and September 110; the monitoring of the composition of marine waste bottles and garbage was completed in March, May, July, and October, 110. Four seasons monitoring, recreational category were completed Garbage accounted for 91.53% to 98.29%, 123 bottles could not be identified, 62.76%; 60 were made in Taiwan, 30.61%; and 13 were made in the mainland (including Hong Kong), 6.63%. The assessment and retraining of the anti-mosquito division was completed in April 110; 50 times of ecological anti-mosquito diagnosis were completed in October 110, and a total of 30 anti-mosquito facilities will be completed. Produced 1,900 gauze for water storage containers and 500 antimosquito medicines. Performed 1,000 inspections of breeding sources in the three districts, and produced neighborhood heat maps, with an improvement rate of 93%; 1,420 environmental drug labeling inspections have been implemented. In March, 110, the assessment committee, the health bureau, and the business staff of the district office were invited to discuss the contents and assessment of the removal of dengue fever breeding sources in 110. On-site assessment was carried out in November 110, and an assessment meeting was held after the assessment. Completed the exclusive webpage of the Hsinchu City Environmental Protection Bureau’s Salute to the Sea Project (http://hcocean.; promoted coastal adoption and promoted 6 private enterprises to adopt the coast, The adoption length is 3,033 meters.
Clean Coasts,Dengue