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2023 Hualien County Diesel Vehicle Inspection Plan

The sources of transnational transmission of PM2.5 in China are about 34% to 40%, of which pollution sources are about 60% to 66%. Among the pollution sources in China, the impact of mobile sources is about 30% to 37%, industrial sources are about 27% to 31%, and other pollution sources are about 30% to 37%. 32%~43%, which is particulate matter emitted by diesel vehicles among mobile sources. It is one of the main pollution sources affecting air quality. In order to control diesel engines in this county, which are mainly mobile pollution sources, reduce their pollution emissions and reduce air pollution. Causes health pollution to county residents. This year, the Hualien County Environmental Protection Bureau continues to implement the 2023-year "Hualien County Diesel Vehicle Inspection Plan" and performs various diesel vehicle control-related businesses. Its main tasks are to handle smoke exhaust station inspections and roadside inspections. Inspection, diesel vehicle oil testing and various administrative related tasks, and in response to major policies of the Ministry of Environment, assist in promoting the registration of owners of old large diesel vehicles in phases 1 to 3 under the jurisdiction, and cooperate with central policies to apply for the elimination of old and replacement vehicles, pollution adjustments and upgrading We will carry out subsidy and promotion activities such as installing air pollution control equipment to continue to maintain good air quality in the county.According to the "Environmental Impact Statement of the Suhua Highway Renovation Plan" of the Highway Administration of the Ministry of Transport, the Su'ao and Dong'ao sections of the first phase of the Suhua Highway Reform were opened to traffic in February 2017, and were opened to bus traffic on May 7 of the same year, and 108 In the middle of the year, large trucks were opened to traffic. In addition, the entire Suhua Line was opened to traffic on January 6, 109. In addition, large trucks were opened to traffic on January 19, 2010. Due to the importance of Suhua County being changed to Hualien County and Yilan County For the Lianwai Road, in order to strengthen the control of diesel vehicles running on this road section, this plan is drawn up to implement roadside inspections, visual cigarette smoke detection, oil product sampling and other related inspection operations on the roads along Suhuagai. In addition, it has also been carried out in March 109 In August, a set of license plate removal systems were installed at the north entrance of Zhongren Tunnel and the south entrance of Renshui Tunnel respectively. After checking the license plate removal database, proactive inspection or subsidy promotion notices were sent to provide immediate command and promotion of the road section. Diesel vehicle and sponsorship exposure policy, and implement the entire operation of Suhua Kai traffic flow survey and long tunnel aerial monitoring system.
Mobile source、overseas transmission、diesel engines