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Clean Air and Sustainable Taiwan Exhibition Fair

Along the path of miraculous Taiwan economic growth, pollutions and deterioration of living environments also incurred severe public damages, extinction of animal spices, and diminutions in forest resources and water supplies, which affect sustaining of the entire world. Sharing common understanding of ‘ Global Scope; Local Movement ‘ within the global communities, National Sustainable Development Network looks forward to motivating all parties- enterprises to governments, individuals to groups in various aspects as living environments, consumer behaviors, and industrial activities into total actions. To achieve the goal of ‘Sustaining Taiwan ‘, to cultivate willingness of accommodation from the public, NSDN delegated TTVC as projector in the campaign of ‘ Sustaining Taiwan Series– Amazing Energy Magic ‘. With propagandas in this campaign, NSDN wished to motivate the public into solid actions. The campaign lays its main weight in big outdoor fair, which works through media announcements to introduce campaign activities such as TV infomercials, TV news, press release, magazine publications, radio programs and establishments of dedicated website, aiming at the theme ‘ Saving Energies – For Sustainable of Taiwan ‘ in overall conveyance of messages to the public. In all the sustenance concept steps not only toward the campus, but also toward the minds of the public, the attendants were all able to obtain preliminary concepts about the goals of sustenance project promoted by the government; this face to face contact has generated solid effects in formation of preliminary concepts.
sustainable Taiwan,solar energy,wind energy