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2004 Emission organic matter and farm work bad smells inspection control project

This project signs a contract in January, 2004, and depend on the contract and working plan’s content to follow the progress to prepare and do the interrelated jobs and get the achievement. The detail of the contents as following:(一)Report case control central.(二)Burning outdoors cases dispose From 2004 January to February 29, we got 36 cases of burning outdoors.During the period of statistic, because of making rounds of inspection, the burning cases stop happening, and the burning outdoors’ TSP is 0.2409 ton, NOX is 0.0466ton, NMHC is 0.1438 ton, and CO is 1.3232 ton. u Make round and inspection and harmony with Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan bad air quality examine. Go to the section has outdoor burning to inspection, and try to reduce this condition and air pollution. (三)Satisfaction of people investigation (四)Job self-criticism and education training(五)Harmony with Environment Protection Bureau to sent each assess forms and judging (六)Complete editing 2003 environmental pollution writing cases