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2004 Taitung county gas station ‘s gas air retrieve facilities inspection and evaporable organic matter and dioxin emission check thoroughly and control project.

The main working items of this project includes inspect and control the gas station of the area under Taitung county’s control, VOC emission data check thoroughly, VOC emission tube inspection, dioxin emission source check thoroughly and control work. 一、Gas station inspect and control work. (一) Check gas air retrieve facilities of new gas station. (二) Check and measure gas stations. 二、VOC emission data check thoroughly. This project focus on probably produce evaporable organic matter’s pollution source to do the check throughly work in the area under Taitung’s control and take the first 20 emission source for the main check throughly objects. Among these we take gas stations for main VOC check throughly objects and harmony with check and inspect their retrieve facilities in the same time. Other objects also include dry cleaning, generate electric power, cars’ maintenance and keep in repair, asphalt mix and gas fuel supply industries. 三、VOC emission tube inspection. 四、Dioxin emission source check thoroughly and control work. This project’s dioxin check throughly objects not only discard incinerate factory but also creamation place. Classify the dioxin emission source in our country, and compile Taitung county’s dioxin latent source which includes discard incinerator, creamation place, generate electric power, asphalt mix and gas fuel to estimate their dioxin emission quantity. But compare with the pollution source, we can still find the important pollution sources are from diesel oil cars and creamation place. They should make into the key control objects in Taitung county in the future.
Taitung,dioxin,gas air retrieve