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The project for Promoting GHG Management Scheme and Registration of Inventory and Reduction

The project followed the international GHG management trends to broaden the planning and establishment of the tools and strategies for GHG inventory, registry and reduction. In respect of the inventory and registry management operation, the project has completed the first edition of 「Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reporting Protocol for Industrial and Energy supply sectors」 and promoted to have 224 factories voluntarily reported their emissions to the National GHG Registry so as to gain control on major industrial emissions and to expand the inventory pilot program to include the residential, commercial and transport sectors to get preliminary control on the characteristics of emissions from these two sectors. As for building the platform for National GHG Registry, the Registry has integrated the relevant ministerial emissions database and the general emission information from stationary sources database to upgrade its overall operation performance. In order to enhance the quality of validation and verification, the Directions for GHG Validation and Verification Bodies Management were announced, which took reference from international trends and the GHG Reduction Bill, meanwhile the training mechanism for verifiers was also established and 184 verifiers were trained. In terms of promoting voluntary reduction, the project followed the management structure contained in the GHG Reduction Bill and the demand for offset required by the Environmental Impact Assessment Scheme in building the review and management mechanism as well as in drafting the Directions for Promoting Early Action and Offset Project. The project took references from international methodologies and through intensive research of emissions characteristics and discussions between stakeholders and technical experts in designating the emission intensity formula and suggesting the values for steel, lime, electricity, and semi-conductor industries. As for international involvement, the project designated members to participate in the UNFCCC Convention to collect the latest information on development of global GHG management and invited staff from international Think Tanks to visit Taiwan for information exchange and experience sharing. Overall speaking, the project has accomplished all requirements requested by EPA for 2008 through intensive research, international exchange, inter-ministerial coordination, communication to industries, and promotion of pilot programs. In addition, it has laid down the foundation for the reduction credits and offset management operation for the next phase.
greenhouse gases, climate change, ISO 14064, inventory, registration, verification, reduction, offset, emissions trading