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2007 Tainan County Air Quality Management Plan

1.Enviromental Burden and Changes From 1996 to 2007, the population increased gradually in Tainan County. In 2007 the population is around 1.1 million. Factories have been decreasing since 1997,and there were 6,253 factories in 2007. Vehicles increased 47% in the recent 12 years. 2.Air Quality Trends The poor air quality (PSI >100 ) ratio dropped from 5.0% in 1996 to 2.1% in 2003, but increased to 5.6% in 2005 and 7.0% in 2006. The poor air quality ratio is 5.9% in 2007. which is under the control target 6.44. 3.Air Pollution Emission (1)TSP emission: 45,343 tons per year (2)PM10 emission: 15,492 tons per year (3)SOx emission: 6,856 tons per year (4)NOx emission: 32,887 tons per year (5)NMHC emission: 44,862 tons per year 4.Develop Air Quality Management Strategies and Revise Air Pollution Control Plan. 5.Advocating the Use of Low-pollution Vehicles and Promoting the Use of Public Transportation 6.Auditing the Projects Supported by the Air Pollution Fee 7.Arrange Air Pollution Management Study Meeting and Air Quality Management Discussion Meeting 8.Setting a Carpool Web
Air Pollution ,emission, PSI