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The Plan of Impetus to World Wide Web of Public Action in Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction.

This plan has completed the following tasks: 1. Integrated “Action Plan for Carbon Emission Reductions Resolutions” with EPA’s “Eco Life” website, became one of the four major idea of Eco Life website. 2. Create the idea of “One kilograms per person per day”; allowing people to realize how ten declarations dedicated to the reduction of carbon emission can be done in real life. Provide carbon foot print calculator, letting people to understand how carbon foot print can be reduced through actions. 3. Increase the quality and quantity of Carbon Reduction related news. At least five news published per day from both national and international media. 4. Organized sessions to let environmental volunteers understand the importance of carbon emission reduction and the use of cooler website through different cities and counties in Taiwan. 5. 4 sessions been hold within different communities centre let residents know the importance of carbon emission reduction. 6. 6 sessions been hold to primary school students, while using the specific designed “kids section” cooler website to let them understand the importance of importance of carbon emission reduction. 7. 5 sessions been hold to the top 100 companies and cooperates, let employees understand how carbon emissions reductions can be done in offices, and how carbon emissions can be done by different tools. 8. 3 sessions been hold for carbon emission reduction “pioneers”, these was targeted to high school students, community college students, and those who attend environmental protection training lesions. 9. Cooperate with EPA, organized 4th assessment for villages’ participation in “declarations supporting the reduction of carbon emissions”. It drives local governments to push the ideas “declarations supporting the reduction of carbon emissions” 10. Organized carbon emission reduction events with EPA, increase exposure of “Cooler” website, which include, “Name the CO2 Reduction Bears”, “Carbon Emission Reduction Logos Design”, “Carbon Emission Reduction Lucky Draw” and others. 11. Cooperate with Taiwan Power Company and Taiwan Water Corporation. Collect users’ usage data for both power and water within the past two years, allowed resident to compare its own power usage. It also shows total water and power usage for each village, township, city/county to the other, which enabled better self management.
Carbon Emissions Reduction Resolutions, Local Action, Carbon Footprint Calculation, Action Plan for Carbon Emissions Reduction Resolutions, Ten Declarations of Carbon Emissions Reduction Resolutions