

中文摘要 摘要 本計畫(第四期)為一延續性之計畫,除延續第三期計畫對北投、內湖與木柵(承諾多增加一採樣點-140高地)等三焚化廠周界之大氣、植物與土壤進行調查外,增加焚化廠周界放養雞隻血液中戴奧辛含量調查,本團隊亦額外承諾增加內湖廠周界落塵中戴奧辛含量之調查工作。研究結果顯示北投廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.0347 pg I-TEQ Nm-3、1.50 ng I-TEQ kg-1與2.42 ng I-TEQ kg-1。內湖廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.0227 pg I-TEQ Nm-3、0.970 ng I-TEQ kg-1與3.08 ng I-TEQ kg-1。木柵廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.0212 pg I-TEQ Nm-3、0.656 ng I-TEQ kg-1與1.47 ng I-TEQ kg-1。本計畫之北投、內湖與木柵廠周界大氣濃度、周界植物與土壤中PCDD/Fs含量與第三期比較下,無統計上之顯著差異。北投、內湖與木柵廠周界雞隻血液中PCDD/Fs之含量分別為1.91、1.45與1.39 pg WHO-TEQ g-l.w.(lipid) -1。康寧路三段202號與康寧路三段16巷落塵之總PCDD/Fs含量分別為133與460 ng kg-1,總I-TEQ含量分別為2.54與5.99 ng I-TEQ kg-1。 將北投廠、內湖廠及木柵廠之煙道廢氣PCDD/Fs特徵剖面分別與其各採樣點周界大氣PCDD/Fs特徵剖面與進行主要成分分析,結果顯示各焚化廠煙道廢氣與其周界大氣之PCDD/Fs並無明顯關聯性。比較各採樣點之周界大氣、植物及土壤之PCDD/Fs等位濃度圖及風瑰圖,可知周界介質中PCDD/Fs之分佈與各焚化廠無明顯之相關性。 三廠周界大氣PCDD/Fs之濃度與國內不同地區都市垃圾焚化爐周界大氣相較,皆屬於較低範圍之值。台北市之固定污染源數量遠低於其他縣市之固定污染源數量,可能為台北市之大氣中PCDD/Fs濃度較低之原因。北投廠(0.0347 pg I-TEQ Nm-3)、內湖廠(0.0227 pg I-TEQ Nm-3)及木柵廠(0.0212 pg I-TEQ Nm-3)周界大氣中PCDD/Fs之濃度與近期國外研究之焚化廠周界大氣(0.076~234 pg I-TEQ Nm-3)比較下屬於偏低者。若與日本法規規範之大氣PCDD/Fs加PCB濃度(0.6 pg WHO-TEQ m-3)來看,周界大氣之PCDD/Fs濃度皆低於其法規規範值。北投廠(1.50 ng I-TEQ kg-1)、內湖廠(0.971 ng I-TEQ kg-1)與木柵廠(0.656 ng I-TEQ kg-1)周界之榕樹葉片中PCDD/Fs含量與近期國際研究結果(0.1~8.8 ng I-TEQ kg-1)之平均值較接近。北投廠(2.42 ng I-TEQ kg-1)、木柵廠(1.47 ng I-TEQ kg-1)及內湖廠(3.08 ng I-TEQ kg-1)周界土壤戴奧辛含量與近期國際研究結果(0.167~19.1 ng I-TEQ kg-1)之平均值較接近。本計畫第一季中採樣點土壤中PCDD/Fs含量最高為北投廠之社子蔬菜專區 (8.53 ng I-TEQ kg-1)、其次依序為內湖廠之松山國小 (7.34 ng I-TEQ kg-1)與內湖廠之潭美國小 (5.24 ng I-TEQ kg-1)以及第二季中採樣點土壤中PCDD/Fs含量最高為內湖廠之松山國小 (8.20 ng I-TEQ kg-1) 、其次依序為北投廠之大屯國小 (6.16 ng I-TEQ kg-1)、北投廠之中八仙 (5.28 ng I-TEQ kg-1)與內湖廠之潭美國小 (5.13 ng I-TEQ kg-1),以德國法規而論,這些採樣點地區之土壤仍可作為農業使用,但不應被使用於種植牧草。


專案計畫編號 EPA- 經費年度 096 計畫經費 240 千元
專案開始日期 2007/06/27 專案結束日期 2008/06/27 專案主持人 張簡國平
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 趙中祥 執行單位 正修科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 96年度「臺北市內湖、木柵及北投垃圾焚化廠周界空氣及土壤中戴奧辛濃度資料建立計畫」(第四期)).pdf 19MB

Investigation on dioxin level of ambient air and soil in the vicinity of Beitou, Neihu and Muzha inc

英文摘要 The mean concentrations of PCDD/Fs in ambient air, leaf and soil in the vicinity of Beitou incinerator are 0.0347 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, 1.50 ng I-TEQ/kg and 2.42 ng I-TEQ/kg, respectively. The mean concentrations of PCDD/Fs in ambient air, leaf and soil in the vicinity of Neihu incinerator are 0.0227 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, 0.970 ng I-TEQ/kg and 3.08 ng I-TEQ/kg, respectively. The mean concentrations of PCDD/Fs in ambient air, leaf and soil in the vicinity of Muzha incinerator are 0.0212 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, 0.656 ng I-TEQ/kg and 1.47 ng I-TEQ/kg, respectively. In addition, whole blood samples taken from chickens from Beitou, Neihu and Muzha incinerators were investigated. The dioxin content of chicken blood from Beitou, Neihu and Muzha incinerators are 1.91, 1.45 and 1.39 pg WHO-TEQ g-l.w.(lipid) -1, respectively. Based on the PCDD/F concentrations of the three matrices determined at sites upwind and downwind, it was found that the environmental impact of the investigated incinerators were not obvious. PCDD/F concentration isopleths of the three environmental compartments coupled with wind rose of the region proved that the influence of the three investigated incinerators on the environment was also rather limited. Consequently, we can conclude that the PCDD/F emission from the incinerators in Taipei city do not have significant impact on the ambient atmosphere. Comparing the PCDD/F I-TEQ concentrations in the ambient air of the selected incinerators in this study with various areas in Taiwan, we found that the investigated PCDD/F level in ambient air has the lowest PCDD/F I-TEQ concentration. The above results for associated toxicity were significantly lower than 0.6 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, which was the dioxin emission standard in Japan. In addition, the average dioxin contents of vegetation and soil in three investigated incinerators are similar to those published previously.