

中文摘要 台南縣環境保護局為有效改善車行揚塵污染問題,並延續歷年施政方針,特專案辦理「97年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫-掃街/洗街民有民營」,本計畫執行期程自97年7月1日起至98年6月30日止,為期一年。本計畫期末進度達成狀況如表一所示,各項工作均順利完成,茲將工作成果摘要說明如下。 一、本計畫總計完成道路洗街長度合計8,155km,總計畫執行進度達成率分別為101.9%;執行道路掃街長度合計14,205.7km,總計畫執行進度達成率分別為101.5%。 二、本計畫總計完成洗街長度為8,155km,總計用水量為6,991.64ton,各月單位長度(km)用水量介於0.80~0.96ton之間,平均用水量則為0.86ton/km,均大於合約規範。 三、本計畫總計完成掃街作業總集塵量為263.95ton,每月單位集塵量介於2.57~43.09kg/km之間,平均單位集塵量為18.58kg/km。推估洗街除塵量為145.59ton,人工掃街為16.69ton,合計總除塵量達426.23ton,顯示本計畫確實可有效清除路面積塵,並進而使車行揚塵污染問題得以控制。 四、本計畫總計完成洗街作業長度達8,155km,推估TSP削減量為112.54ton;掃街作業長度達14,205.7km,推估TSP削減量為196.04ton;總計本計畫現階段洗掃街作業削減TSP達308.58ton。 五、髒污程度普查,97年度7月至12月份時,A級道路佔查核總km數的55%、B級道路佔33%、C級道路則佔11%,而於98年度1月至6月份時,A級道路比例提升為75%、B級道路亦下降為22%、C級道路已獲得改善(佔3%),顯示本計畫之作業成效已具正面效益。 六、在街塵負荷部份,統計本縣各月份之坋土比例平均值為7.2%;現階段本計畫掃街作業執行面積為14.21km2,掃街集塵量為263,950kg,計算後單位面積街塵負荷量為18.57g/m2,推測應為增加C級等髒污洗掃次數與頻率所致;97年度本縣環保署共抽查檢測5個鄉鎮16條道路(新營市8條、善化3條、永康2條、麻豆2條、安定1條);A級道路14條佔87.5 %,B級道路2條佔12.5 %為縣178路段(區域範圍:安定與善化),環保署考核成績為雲嘉南縣市之冠,顯示本計畫洗掃街作業有助於降低街塵負荷量與街道整體乾淨度之提昇。 七、本年度總計認養長度達24,747.37km,已大於合約目標數5,000km之要求(完成率已達494.9%),同時亦達成承諾目標10,000km(完成率達247.5%),顯示本計畫推動本項作業之用心及努力。同時依據環保署統一削減公式計算,推估TSP削減量約341.51ton。 八、本計畫亦執行多項積極管制作業,包括:1.空品惡化緊急應變措施;2.建立髒污道路污染源聯合通報查處機制;3.農耕污染道路管制策略;4.協助局內進行宣導作業;5.行政區域道路分級管制機制;6.洗掃機具設備維護更新;7.輔導認養企業單位設置道路認養告示牌;8.協助髒亂點通報及建檔作業;9.配合環保署逸散污染源空氣污染物排放管制及減量計畫通報清掃作業;10.協助縣內大型活動週邊道路清潔與民眾村里髒污清掃作業。
中文關鍵字 洗街、掃街、街道揚塵


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 7685.8 千元
專案開始日期 2008/07/01 專案結束日期 2009/06/30 專案主持人 陳信源
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林宏祥 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司/欣欣環保工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 台南縣97年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫.pdf 6MB

The project of enhancing street dust sweeping and washing- to sweep /to wash the street privately owned and privately operated for Taina County in 97 year

英文摘要 In order to effectively decrease the dust pollution which caused by cars, and to continue the policies from year to year, the Bureau of Environmental Protection in Tainan county has carried out the project which enhances road flushing during 2008 --- personal road flushing business. The project began on July 1, 2008 and ended on June 30, 2009, lasting for one year. The progress of project are as shown in Table 1; each assignment was completed smoothly. The abstract of achievements is as follows. 1. The complete length of road flushing of the project is 8,155 kilometers, and the completion rate is 101.9%; the execution length of road sweeping is 14,205.7 kilometers, and the execution rate is 101.5 %. 2. The complete length of road flushing of the project is 8,155 kilometers, and total use of water is 6,991.64 tons; the use of water is 0.80 ~ 0.96 tons one kilometer per month, and use of water averages 0.86 tons one kilometer. It exceeds the contract's standards. 3. The complete dust gathering amount of road sweeping is 263.95 tons. The dust gathering amount is 2.57-43.09 kilograms a kilometer per month and the average of dust gathering amount is 18.58 kg/km. It is estimated that dust removal amount of street flushing is 145.59 tons and road sweeping by manual labor is 16.69 tons; total removal amount is 426.23 tons. It shows that the plan can scavenge the dust on the road with telling effect, and the dust pollution which caused by automobiles can be controlled. 4. Now the total length of street flushing is 8,155 kilometers; the reduction amount of TSP is estimated to be 112.54 tons. And the amount is 196.04 kilograms as the result of 14,205.7 kilometers street sweeping. So the total amount is 308.58 tons because of street flushing and sweeping project. 5. According to the investigation of degree of pollution, in 7-12 month of 2008, A level road accounts for 55 % of totality, and B level 33 %, C level 11 %. In comparison, to May of 2009 the proportion of A level rises up to 75 %, B level down to 22 %, and C level road is improved(only 3%). It reveals the project has already taken on positive benefits. 6. In respect to managing street dust, according to monthly statistics for this county, the average ratio value of general soil is 7.2%;at the present stage the project's street sweeping area is 14.21 square kilometers, the weight of the accumulated swept dust is 263,950 square kilograms, and the planned unit per area dust load is 18.57 grams per square meter. This results in a predicted increase to C-level pollution sweeping frequency. In 2008 the county bureau of environmental protection randomly inspected five townships and sixteen roads (8 roads in Hsin-Ying, 3 roads in Shan-Hua, 2 roads in Yung-K'ang, 2 roads in Ma-Tou, and one road in An-Ting). A-level roads constituted 87.5 percent; B-level roads constituted 12.5 percent, together comprising 178 road sections (the area perimeter encompassed An-Ting and Shan-Hua). Winning the award from the Bureau of Environmental Protection in the combined Yun-Lin and Chia-Yi counties & municipalities indicates that the project of sweeping streets has contributed to the drop in street dust levels, and to the overall rise in the level of street cleanliness. 7. The total statistics for this year acknowledges the maintainance of 24, 747.37 kilometers of roads which exceeds the goal of 5000 kilometers demanded by contract (exceeding by a rate of 494.9%) while at the same time reaching a promised goal of 10 thousand kilometers (exceeding by a rate of 247.5%) indicating that this project has incited commitment and effort to this work. Concurrently, according to the Bureau of Environmental Protection, united sharply reduced formula calculations, estimates TSP sharply reduced volume to be approximately 341.51 tons. 8. This project therefore implements a multitude of robust restraining measures:1. To urgently begin implementing measures dealing with the worsening of air quality;2. To establish coordinated reports and measures that examine and deal with the sources which pollute dirty roads;3. Policies restraining the pollution of farming and irrigation canals;4. Measures to educate the public how to assist Bureau procedure;5. Restrictive ;6. The maintainance and upkeep of flushers & equipment;7. Guide the appropriate enterprises in designing roads that take proper care of public signs 8. Measures which assist in dirty and messy places and build cases;9. To announce sanitary measures in accord with the Bureau of Environmental Protection, which rapidly disperse the sources of air polluting matter. Such emissions are to be restrained and reduced. 10. Pollution sweeping measures which assist large scale activities within the county's nearby road sanitation and public villages.
英文關鍵字 sweeping,washing,dust effectively of car raises