

中文摘要 本服務團承接本計畫後即積極投入各項工作之進行,透過輔導團隊運作平台,藉由文宣與教育宣導的推廣,縣內各大學校院教授百忙抽空協助各講習會的舉辦與參與工廠輔導,企盼協助本縣環保局持續推動地方產業環保技術服務的工作,創造出產、官、學與民間多贏以及地方永續發展的局面。經由執行推動已來,已獲致良好成效,茲將重要成果敍述如下: 一、環保技術輔導 本年度完成十三家一般輔導廠商,二家深入輔導廠商,共完成十五家企業之一般與深入輔導,其中有8家為藉由教育訓練、網站等管道獲知本平台之服務,並由廠商自主提出輔導申請,顯示本輔導團三年多來的宣導與輔導效益已漸具成效,輔導團的功能亦逐漸受大家重視與肯定。經輔導的廠商大部份均能有效改善其污染處理,後續總投資改善金額高達新台幣5300萬元左右。此外,協助深入輔導廠商-桃園煉油廠針對環保局要求改善重點,舉辦到廠教育訓練。 二、環保技術服務推廣 整合桃園縣境內之大學校院老師,實質參與輔導平台之運作,協助辦理講習教育訓練、企業輔導及成果研討會等活動,將技術及服務推展擴大,並透過平台與環保局進行密切聯繫,以協助環保局推動各相關業務。成果發表會於97年12月8日於萬能科技大學舉辦,獲得民視新聞及東森新聞播放,聯合報亦於12月30日以專刊方式報導。此外,輔導團亦加強主動宣導,參加顧問公司、環保團體、環保局等舉辦之講習與地區監測座談會,有效擴散輔導平台的知名度。 三、產業環保技術服務網頁之維護與更新 完成「桃園縣大學校院產業環保技術服務團」網站之改版,定期發佈講習會資訊、環保簡訊及各輔導資訊,並提供環保相關網站連結及線上諮詢之功能,並增加環保簡訊、分級管制等功能。此外,亦將歷次講習會教材及錄影檔提供下載參考,獲得高度認同與肯定。 四、問卷調查 本年度服務團已辦理十場講習會,報名人數共838人,報到人數733人,平均出席率約為86%,其中水處理相關議題共計三場、廢棄物相關議題有兩場、空汙、環安衛及毒性物講習會各有一場,另舉辦兩場奈米新科技講習會,提供多元技術介紹,讓不同行業的廠商均有接受教育訓練的機會。會後問卷調查發現,參與講習會的學員是主動參加者佔60.5%,聽過服務團之比例為58.9%,均較去年有所提升。 五、環保簡訊 已發行第五期環保簡訊,提供相關的環保新知、污染防制經驗談及服務團成員介紹等資訊,並以服務團舉辦各項講習、輔導等所建立的學員名單為宣導對象,利用網站自動E-Mail給會員,以提升企業環保相關技術與法規認知。 六、創新作為 本年度規劃並已完成下列三項創新作為:(1)初步探討如何有效管理並提昇代操作業者技術水平,當中最重要者為代操作業者應建立一溝通對口單位,輔導團將可以協助其推行各項教育訓練或技術研發、(2)由南亞技術學院環安衛中心負責執行工業區生態化實施策略規劃與評鑑計畫,將可作為桃園縣政府施政參考、及(3)初步剖析縣內環保產業之規模、產值及人力現況資料,進一步釐清其發展情形,並嘗試規畫資訊平台之執行目標與方法,做為未來施政的參考。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 3400 千元
專案開始日期 2008/10/06 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 曾迪華
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蘇振昇 執行單位 國立中央大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97產服計畫.rar 14MB 97年度空氣污染防制綜合計畫-桃園縣產業環保技術服務計畫-期末報告

The service of environmental technique in Taoyuan

英文摘要 Since our institute has received the project, we have devoted much effort to precede several projects. In order to help promote the development of the service of environmental techniques, we hoped to help assist to promote the environmental techniques for substantial business through popularizing the guidance and the assistances from professors who work in college to create permanently substantial development. Since the projects went on, we have already had great performance. (1)Guidance of environmental techniques Our institute accomplished guiding 15 factories, including 13 of general projects and 2 extensive projects. Among these factories, there are 8 factories served by our institute through educational training and website. Besides, the service was requested by the factories voluntarily indicating the achievements by guidance for past 3 years. (2)Population of the environmental techniques Integrate the assistance from the professors to help assist the conference, guide the substantial factories to spread the techniques and the service. The achievement conference was held on 8th December, 2008. And it was broadcasted by medium. (3)The maintain and updating of the website about environmental techniques To accomplish updating version of the website and to provides conference information periodically. We also provide the functions of related environmental websites. Besides, the teaching materials of the conference also have been recorded and can be downloaded. (4)Questionnaire investigation Our institute has conducted ten conferences previously. Among these ten conference, there are three conference related to water treatment; while there are two conferences related to waste treatment. And there is one conference related to air pollution treatment, environmental safety and toxic compounds treatment, respectively. Besides, there are two conferences about the novel nano-technology which provides diverse introduction of novel techniques and opportunities being trained educationally. (5)Environmental document The published 5th version of environmental document provides novel environmental information, the experience of pollution control as well as the members of the institute. Besides, it also promotes the realization of related techniques and guidance by contacting the members positively. (6)Innovation There are three innovations accomplished this year. First of all, preliminary discussion is about how to efficiently manage and promote the techniques of the operators.