

中文摘要 垃圾,其清運具有移動性及處理具有地域性,因此,在環保施政上向來有很大的困難度。台灣地區歷經60年代的經濟起飛,到70年代環境議題已受到嚴正的關切。而這其中又以垃圾問題最受社會大眾重視。當時垃圾大戰四處上演,而桃園縣正是垃圾大戰的火爆中心點。而後,在各界的努力下,70年代末期,行政院環保署確立了垃圾以焚化為主的減量處理政策後,經過80年代的一連串建設,終於將垃圾問題逐漸的克服。 在焚化爐的建設計畫中可分為公有公營、公有民營及民有民營三類,爾後,在政府頒定「促進民間參與公共建設法」後,公有民營及民有民營就被冠上OT、ROT、BOT或BOO等名稱來代表不同的意義及權屬關係。而桃園縣即屬於民有民營之BOO類型焚化爐,也是該類型焚化爐中第一個營運的計畫。這類計畫最大的特色除了民間參與外,就是本計畫案的核心-垃圾保證交付量了。這也是當時有許多廠商願意排除巨大的困難,投入焚化爐建設的最大誘因。據此,興建營運廠商可推算其財務收入,並保障垃圾來源。 隨著時空的移轉,環境保護的觀念漸漸的由管末處理轉換為源頭減量,在此進程中,垃圾減量、廚餘回收及資源回收等觀念不僅被提出,而且也落實到政策及民眾生活當中,使得原本規劃興建南北兩座焚化爐方能處理全部垃圾的桃園縣,在北區焚化爐計畫終止後,時至今日仍得面對垃圾保證交付量即將不足的問題。 有鑑於此,桃園縣政府環境保護局為能提早因應垃圾保證交付量不足的問題,乃辦理「桃園縣垃圾焚化廠合約保證交付量不足之避險策略計畫」,避免風險並擬定相關對策。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 2550 千元
專案開始日期 2009/01/01 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 許智雄
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 沈妙徽 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


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期末報告 ch1.pdf 0MB
英文摘要 Garbage, it is clear and transport with regional disposable mobility. Therefore, it has always been a very difficult policy according to the environmental administration. Taiwan has experienced 60 years of economic take-off until the 70’s; environmental issues have been serious concerns. Among the concerns, the garbage problem received the most public attention. At that time, garbage wars was performed everywhere and the explosive popularity center for garbage wars is no other than Taoyuan County. After that, under the efforts from all social circles, in the late 70’s, The Environment Protection Administration, Executive Yuan established garbage incineration reduction-based treatment policy but after 80 years series of construction, garbage problem is finally, being gradually overcame. In incinerator construction plan, it can be divided to publicly-owned and publicly-operated that is publicly-owned, privately-run enterprise and privately-owned and privately-run enterprise. Thereafter, government issued a new policy “ To encourage civilian participation in the public construction law, publicly-owned and privately-run enterprise, privately-owned and privately-run enterprise has been labeled OT,ROT,BOT or BOO etc names to represent significance meanings and the relationship between ownership. However, whichever that belongs to Taoyuan County and privately-owned and privately-run enterprise BOO types of incinerators is the type of incinerator in the first operational plan. The most important feature of these of plans besides the civilian participation is no other than the core of this project- Garbage Guarantee Delivery. This was also the reason at that time when manufacturers were willing to eliminate immense problems in investing into incinerator construction. This is according to financial income calculation from the operating construction manufacturers and the guarantee for garbage source. As time and space passes by, the concept for environmental protection gradually changes from end-of-pipe treatment to source reduction. In this process, garbage reduction, kitchen waste recycle, resources recovery and so on concepts not only being proposed but were implemented in the daily lives of the civilian. This causes the original plan to build two incinerators in North-South, which can then process all the Taoyuan County garbage, after the North District incinerators plan was terminated and up to present still has to face insufficient garbage guarantee delivery problem. In view of this, in order for Taoyuan County Government Environmental Protection Agency to advance cope with garbage guarantee delivery insufficient problem, therefore, conducted this project to avoid the risk and development of countermeasures.