

中文摘要   生質能氣化係在低氧條件下將生質物轉換成合成氣(syngas),具有高效率發電、低污染排放,以及改善生質物燃燒品質不佳等優點。為評估垃圾焚化廠轉型為地區生質能源中心之可行方案,本研究蒐集國外先進生質物氣化技術資訊,依「節能減碳」精神建立評選準則,包括環境污染、二氧化碳減排、發電效率與後端能源運用等指標,優選出「固態燃料直接化學迴圈程序」(biomass direct chemical looping process)。另考量生質物氣化系統對於進料之限制,本計畫評估七種生質物性質,包括狼尾草、培地茅、杉木木屑、稻稈、玉米穗軸、都市污水處理廠污泥餅,以及經篩選後富纖維質的都市垃圾,探討可運用之前處理技術(焙燒、蒸煮、造粒等)目前國外發展現況,以達從生質物中分離非生質物與提高熱值等目標;最後並規劃前處理單元結合化學迴圈系統之程序。   本計畫亦評估各種生質物氣化產物用途國外發展現況與在國內運用之可行性,包括混燒發電、化學品轉換、氣體引擎發電,與燃料電池發電;對於氣化可能產生之空氣污染,包括焦油、腐蝕性氣體、重金屬、鹼金族與矽,並提出對應防制措施;在減碳效益方面,初估固態燃料直接化學迴圈程序可較一般燃煤系統減少90%之CO2排放。   為了解相關技術之發展,本計畫協助環保署參觀奧地利、荷蘭、英國與美國等地之氣化技術與相關前處理技術與設施,作為國內發展相關技術時重要指標及參考;並分別於98年3月與9月辦理氣化技術研討會,提供技術交流平台。
中文關鍵字 氣化技術、生質物、化學迴圈程序、前處理技術、焙燒、蒸煮


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-1605-02-02 經費年度 097 計畫經費 4700 千元
專案開始日期 2008/12/26 專案結束日期 2010/03/31 專案主持人 朱敬平
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 劉廣尉 執行單位 財團法人中興工程顧問社


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期末報告 EPA-97-1605-02-02.pdf 6MB 期末報告定稿本

The Evaluation on the pilot facility construction of high-efficeient biomass gasification

英文摘要 Biomass gasification can convert biomass into syngas under the oxygen-deficient environment. Using gas engine or boiler, the syngas can be utilized to generate electricity of high efficiency and low pollution emission. The bio-energy in the biomass that is hardly combustible can thus be effectively extracted. To evaluate the feasibility of transforming the refuse incinerators to bio-energy center, this study reviewed the information of biomass gasification technology in the developed countries, and set up criteria for selecting the feasible technology based on the following factors: less environment pollution, lower carbon dioxide emission reduction, higher power generation efficiency and more diversified application of power generation from the gasification products. The “biomass direct chemical looping process” was selected as the first priority. Additionally, considering the property specification of the feed of biomass gasification system, this study evaluated the properties of seven biomass species, including elephant grass, vetiver, china fir, straw, corn cob, municipal sludge cake, and screening fiber-rich trash, and discussed the most updated development of applicable pre-treatment technology (torrefaction, autoclaving and pelleting), in order to separate the non-biomass materials from the biomass and increase the calorific value. Finally we have planned a comprehensive process including the pre-treatment units and chemical looping system. The study also evaluated the development of several product utilizations of biomass gasification and their individual feasibility in Taiwan, including co-firing power generation, chemicals transformation, gas-engine power generation and fuel-cell power generation. It also suggested the prevention measures for the possible air pollutions from biomass gasification, including tar, corrosive gas, heavy metals, alkali and silica. While taking the efficiency of the carbon emission reduction into the consideration, the biomass direct chemical looping process decreased 90% CO2 emission when comparing with the commercial coal-fired system. To further understand the development of gasification technology, EPA Taiwan also visited the gasification technology and the relevant facilities of pre-treatment technology in Austria, Netherlands, UK and USA. Furthermore, there were two workshops of the gasification technology held in March and September, 2009, respectively, to provide a platform for communication of the related technology of biomass gasification and pretreatment.
英文關鍵字 Gasification technology, biomass, chemical looping process, pre-treatment technology, torrefaction, autoclaving