

中文摘要 本計畫於簽約後全面展開,主要計畫目標包含協助計畫區域內各縣市建立水污染緊急應變通報系統,並於污染事件發生時將所需人員及能量即時到達應變現場,以期將污染源控制在最小範圍內。並藉由例行性之演練、訓練,增進各單位人員對清理油污之機具、設備及材料使用之熟悉度。工作項目亦包含掌握各項水污染除污器材之數量、保存狀況、相關定期清理保養維護事宜與貯油場之事業清查、防溢堤設置現場查核確認。各項工作執行成果說明如下: 一、建立南區域聯防制度 於計畫執行期間本團隊已協助完成聯防體系之建立,依水污染事件緊急應變聯防體系作業要點,責任轄區包括高雄市、高雄縣、台南縣、台南市及屏東縣等聯防體系,建立南區各縣市應變聯繫名單。 二、協助水污染事件應變作業 於計畫執行期間共協助完成4件水污染事件應變工作,包含:1.佳樂水事件處理2.屏東縣莫拉克颱風緊急應變事件3.台南縣麻豆鎮千興不銹鋼股份有限公司油污事件4.台南市灣裡抽水站暨出海口油污染事件。 三、應變器材維護保養成果 本工作團隊已針對區域內各縣市相關器材進行統計,目前已針對南區5縣市境內相關汲油器材完成保養作業,共有13台小型河川堰式吸油組、5台發電機、6台高壓清洗機、2台充氣機、2台噴灑器、1台淺灘式充氣浮油回收工作船及1台繩索式吸油機,此外本工作團隊在作機電設備維修保養時,亦協助南區各縣市環保局進行攔油索及吸油耗材器材的整理及清潔維護作業。 四、水污染緊急應變教育訓練 本計畫執行期間共完成2場次教育訓練的辦理,於97年12月5日針對轄區內的儲油槽業者辦理1場儲油槽業者教育訓練,並於98年10月16日針對河川巡守隊、列管事業單位辦理1場水污染緊急應變教育訓練及毒性化學物質災害緊急應變講習。 五、協助儲油事業清查及防溢提設置查核作業 在貯油槽防溢堤查核成果統計方面,在查核的50家事業中有39家業者不符合規定,佔78%,符合規定的業者有11家,佔22%。在完成初查後即針對需複查業者進行輔導作業,並在10月8日至10月15日間進行複查作業,而依據初查成果共需複查的家數為39家,而經復查後,大部分廠商的儲油槽皆有水泥不透水材質;而複查之業者皆為小型企業,故礙於場地受限,僅有5間業者通過復查。另外應變器材部分則全數不合格,本團隊已將未改善的業者名單提交給環保局。 六、辦理水污染緊急應變演練 水污染緊急應變演練為98年9月25日舉辦,地點為台南縣馬沙溝漁港。在參演單位名單確認後,即邀請各參演單位進行協商會議討論,共舉辦三場,為確認各參演單位所能提供之資源與人力,針對演練腳本之內容進行討論與說明並進行沙盤推演。會後邀請各參演單位至演練場址實地會勘,使各單位能確實了解所需配合的程度及現地狀況。 當天參演單位包含行政院海巡署海岸巡防總局南部地區巡防局五一大隊、台南縣警察局、台南縣消防局、台南縣環保局、台南縣政府農業處、將軍鄉公所、南部環境毒災應變隊、台灣中油股份有限公司、南寶樹脂化學工廠股份有限公司、台灣紙業股份有限公司,技佳工程顧問有限公司等10單位參與,共80人參與,演練順利圓滿完成。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 2891.5 千元
專案開始日期 2008/10/20 專案結束日期 2009/10/19 專案主持人 查英佑
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 連運誠 執行單位 技佳工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 台南縣97年南區水污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理計畫期末定稿.pdf 7MB

Tainan County, 97 incidents of water pollution in the Southern District, the concerted effort of civil society dealing with emergency response plans

英文摘要 This project was in full swing after signing a contract, the main project objectives include cities and counties within the region to help plan the establishment of water pollution emergency notification system, and in pollution incidents, the required personnel and the strain energy to reach the scene immediately to the sources control in the minimum. And through the routine of exercises, training, improve personnel decontamination units of machinery, equipment and materials used in familiarity. Work of the water pollution control project also includes the amount of decontamination equipment, conservation status, regular cleaning service and maintenance issues associated with the storage of the oil field business inventory, anti-overflow embankment to set the scene to check to confirm. Results of the implementation of the work as follows: First, the establishment of the South zone defense system During the project execution to help this team has completed the establishment of joint defense system, according to water pollution incident emergency response defense system operating point, the responsibility area, including Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung County, Tainan County, Tainan City and Pingtung County defense system, the establishment of the South Area city and county emergency contact list. Second, to help water pollution incident response operations During the project were to assist in the completion of four water pollution incident response work, including: 1. JIALE water event handling 2. Pingtung County Emergency Typhoon Morakot Event 3. Madou Township, Tainan County, thousands of stainless steel Co., Ltd. Oil Pollution Event 4. Tainan City Wanli cum pumping station to the sea oil pollution incidents. Third, the outcome of emergency equipment maintenance The team has targeted cities and counties within the region related equipment to statistics, currently the territory for the Southern District 5 county related to drain the oil equipment to complete the maintenance operation, a total of 13 sets of small river weir-type oil-absorbing group, five generators, 6 pressure washing machines, 2 sets of aeration, 2 sprayers, 1 bk-type inflatable floating oil recovery vessels and a rope-style suction machine platform, in addition to the team in time for mechanical and electrical equipment repair and maintenance, also helped the Southern District County Environmental Protection Agency to conduct oil booms and oil absorption sorting and cleaning supplies and equipment maintenance operations. 4, water pollution emergency response training The implementation of this project were completed during the 2 sessions of education and training process, in 97 years on December 5 for the area of oil storage tank industry handling a field storage tank industry education and training, and in 98 years on Oct. 16 for river patrol force , the column of water pollution control institutions go through a field of emergency response training, and toxic chemical disaster emergency response workshops. 5, to help prevent spilled oil business inventory and provide settings to check operation Anti-overflow embankment in the storage tanks to check the results of statistics, in the checking of 50 and 39 cause the family business to non-compliance, accounting for 78% of the required 11 industry, accounting for 22%. After the completion of the preliminary review for required counseling industry operations, and on Oct. 8 to Oct. 15 to review the work day, but according to preliminary investigation results would require a total review of the house number 39, but after review, the large Some of the manufacturers of the oil storage tank Jieyou cement impermeable material; and review of the industry by key small business, it is because of limited space, only five industry through review. Another part is the full response equipment failure, the team did not improve the industry has submitted to the EPA list. 6, handling water pollution emergency response drill Pollution emergency response exercises for the 98-year hold on September 25, location to fishing Masago, Tainan County. Confirmed in the list of participating units, which invited the consultative meeting of the participating units, three were held in order to confirm that all participating units can provide the resources and manpower, the script for the exercise to discuss and explain the contents and make sand table deduction. After the invitation to the exercise of all participating units will survey the site on the ground, so that each can really understand the extent and are required to cope with the situation. Participating units included the day of the Coast Guard Administration, Executive Yuan Coast Guard Administration of Southern Coastal Patrol Office 51 Brigade, Tainan County Police Bureau, Fire Bureau, Tainan County, Tainan County Environmental Protection Bureau, Tainan County Agriculture Department, the General Township Office, Southern Environmental poisoning Emergency Response Teams, CPC Corporation, Taiwan, South Po Resin Chemical Co., Ltd., Taiwan Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd., Technical Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd., 10 good units of participation, a total of 80 participants, successfully completed the exercise successfully.