

中文摘要 工業區在經濟發展過程中扮演非常重要的角色,但也造成對於環境面之重大影響。為使工業區能夠減少對於環境之負面影響,近年來許多研究認為應該要朝向「生態工業區」(Eco-industrial park)方式運作,然而本研究認為以目前工業區之功能、特性與規模而言,難以成為一個完整的生態系統,因此本計畫認為現階段應該先以「綠色工業區」(Green industrial park)的概念來評估工業區在環境面的污染排放與資源使用管理工作所達到的程度較為合適,亦即工業區以及工業區內的工廠應該針對產業特性與所在區域環境特性,強化能夠減少對環境產生負面衝擊的科技與生產方法,使工業區能夠達到環境友善化的程度。因此本計畫乃先蒐集與分析國內外既設之工業區生態化推動資訊,分析桃園縣工業區生態化之發展現況,然後本研究以系統思維與系統分析的方法,界定綠色工業區系統,並且發展一套綠色(生態化)工業區評估指標,本研究將指標分為狀態、結果、原因等三種類型,將狀態指標及結果指標結合成為一個綜合指標,以評估工業區達到環境友善化之程度,共計分為7個指標大項(空氣污染防制、水污染防治、廢棄物管理、其他污染防治、水資源使用、土地資源使用、能源使用等)及22個指標細項。原因指標則共計分為6個指標大項及10個指標細項,指標評估結果可應用於輔助綠色工業區環境管理。本研究以層級分析法(AHP)來界定各指標之定義、計算方法與權重等。本計畫並進行指標之試評估,由於目前難以取得工業區內所有工廠的資料,因此根據調查所得某一工業區資料較完整的5家工廠資料進行評估。評估結果之綜合指標值為5.6,屬於「待加強」等級。本計畫再根據上述分析結果,以結果管理的方法,進行桃園縣工業區綠色化(生態化)工作之內外部評估(SWOT分析),界定其任務、願景、總目標、目標,然後擬定策略及行動計畫,並規劃桃園縣工業區綠色化(生態化)指標年度評核制度分3年建置完成(民國99年~101年)。本計畫所發展之指標與規劃之策略,初步能夠協助主管機關有效地應用於工業區環境友善化之評估工作,並且落實工業區綠色化(生態化)工作之推動。
中文關鍵字 綠色工業區;生態工業區;狀態-結果-原因指標;系統思維;系統分析;層級分析法


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 900 千元
專案開始日期 2008/12/11 專案結束日期 2009/09/30 專案主持人 黃富昌
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 南亞技術學院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 OK-981216.pdf 4MB
英文摘要 Industrial parks are important to economic development, but also bring great negative impact on environment. Many studies thought that the concept of "eco-industrial park" is helpful for the operation of an industrial park. However, an industrial park nowadays can hardly become a complete ecosystem due to its functions, characteristics, and scale. The concept of "green industrial park" is proposed in this study can be more suitable for evaluating the managerial performances of pollution discharges and resources utilization of an industrial park in environmental phase. Based on this concept, an industrial park and its factories should enhance their technologies and production methods for mitigating negative environmental impacts. This study therefore collects and analyzes the information about the eco-industrial parks in the world, and analyzes the current status of industrial parks in Taoyuan County. This study uses systems thinking and systems analysis to identify the green industrial park system and develop the assessment indicators for green industrial park. Three types of indicators (status, result, cause) are identified and used in this study. The status-indicators and result-indicators are integrated into a comprehensive indicator, which are conceptually divided into seven items (air pollution control, water pollution control, waste management, other pollution control, water resource use, land resource use, energy use) and 22 sub-indicators, to be used to assess the environment-friendly degree for an industrial park. The cause-indicators are conceptually divided into six items and 10 sub-indicators, and their assessment results can be used to assist environmental management for an industrial park. This study uses Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to identify the definition, calculation, and weight of each sub-indicator. This study applies these indicators for assessing an industrial park in Taoyuan County as a trial. The completely investigated data of five factories in this industrial park are used because it is very difficult to gather the complete data for all factories. The comprehensive indicator value of this industrial park is 5.6, meaning "need to be improved". This study uses the Managing for Results (MFRs) method to perform an internal/external assessment (SWOT analysis) for the installation of green industial (eco-industrial) park in Taoyuan County. The mission, vision, goal, and objectives are identified. The strategies and action plans are generated. Furthmore, this study develops a 3-year (2010-2012) implementation plan for the annual assessement system of green industial (eco-industrial) park via the indicators. The indicators and strategies developed by this study can be effectively used to assist the authorities in evaluating the environment-friendly degree for an industrial park. Moreover, the tasks for green industial (eco-industrial) park can be effectively executed.
英文關鍵字 green industrial park; eco-industrial park; status-result-cause indicator; systems thinking; systems analysis; Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)