

中文摘要 一、建置維護更新本縣空氣品質淨化區網頁及檔案資料管理 「臺南縣空氣品質淨化區網頁」之網頁,於本年度更新改版完成,除了保有原定之功能外,為加強日後資料更新的便利性及即時性,新版「臺南縣空氣品質淨化區網頁」之內容,新增問卷調查及網路投票項目。 本計畫每月持續更新空氣品質淨化區之基本資料、維護管理及追蹤考核之相關檔案及其他相關資料建檔,並將歷次說明講習會之書面資料上傳於網頁,提供有興趣的民眾下載,推廣淨化區之各項維護技術。 二、研訂空品淨化區經營維護追蹤考核辦法 蒐集環保署近年來歷次空品淨化區管理考核之相關原則,協助擬訂本縣空氣品質淨化區維護管理考核要點,完成擬訂98年度「本縣空氣品質淨化區維護管理考核要點」,以提昇各空氣品質淨化區設置之功能。 三、空品淨化區之考核作業 (一)自行考核:針對歷年來環保署及本縣空氣污染防制基金補助設置完成之117處 空氣品質淨化區(不包括校園綠美化及揚塵改善部份),目前已完成117處空品淨化區各2次共計234次之自行考核,並彙整考評建議協助環保局於考核3日內發文至維護單位促請改善。 (二)年終考評:針對本年11處自行考評績優之空氣品質淨化區,由「年終考評小組」於98年11月19日實地考核維護管理情形。本年度年終評選出5處績優維護單位,預計於99年初公開表揚。 (三)將98年第一批自行考核成果製成書面報告於98年4月提送至環保署。 四、空自品質淨化區植栽養護 本計畫於98年2月完成環保局指定之綠覆率較差之空品淨化區綠覆率百分比查核,並於每月提報5處空品淨化區綠覆率查核記錄至環保局,各處綠覆率皆已到達80%以上之綠覆率目標。本計畫並針對有裸露情形協助輔導以碎木或落樹葉覆蓋方式鋪設,以減少揚塵之情事。 五、空品淨化區之維護 (一)針對本縣所轄空氣品質淨化區完成四季共43處清潔維護之工作。 (二)完成延續去年度選定之公兒48、官田鄉工業北路污染場址綠美化計畫、七股鄉龍山段、六甲鄉及東山鄉東中路一段5處淨化區進行植栽量測及植物碳吸存量之估算。 (三)清查本縣淨化區告示牌設置情形,97年僅82處設置,設置率為7成,經本計畫輔導及協助設置後已有94處設置,設置率達八成以上,符合本項工作目標。 六、建置淨化室內外空氣之植栽 (一)本計畫於98年1月完成建置建置室內植栽100盆,以及製作簡易節說牌說明,並於日後陸續補植67株植栽。 (二)本計畫配合環保局進行室外植栽養護,目前於環保局外共植栽雪茄花45株、日日春620株、鳳仙花1230株及炮仗花2株。 七、說明會及觀摩會 (一)98年2月18日辦理「98年度空氣品質淨化區維護補助經費運用原則說明會」。 (二)98年4月2日辦理「維護管理技術研習會」。 (三)98年5月25日辦理「經營維護管理說明會」。 (四)98年10月2日辦理「室內外植栽維護管理暨經驗交流講習會」。 (五)98年11月27日辦理「碎木、落葉鋪設再利用暨經驗交流講習會」。 (六)98年12月1日辦理「98年度空氣品質淨化區維護管理說明會」。 八、空氣污染改善成果 (一)臺南縣由85至97年累計117處空氣品質淨化區,CO2吸收總量為537.2公噸。 (二)估算98年新增空品淨化區 之碳匯27.12公噸/年,以及污染物減量包括,粒狀污染物0.61公噸/年、硫氧化物8.82公噸/年、氮氧化物2.01公噸/年、一氧化碳2.59公噸/年、臭氧公噸11.52/年、PAH 0.20公噸/年。 九、其他相關作業 (一)配合辦理13次月工作檢討會 (二)配合環保局研訂空氣品質淨化區維護補助款運用原則及相關作業。 (三)輔導七股鄉公所規劃擬向環保署申請之補助計畫架構,提供申請單位參考使用。 (四)空品淨化區相關環保新聞已完成10篇提報刊登。 (五)本計畫協助環保局研擬99年度「臺南縣空氣品質淨化區維護補助經費運用原則」,並於98年12月1日舉辦之空氣品質淨化區維護管理說明會時宣導說明。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質淨化區、維護管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 2817.6 千元
專案開始日期 2008/12/02 專案結束日期 2009/12/01 專案主持人 呂鴻毅
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳映彤 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97年度台南縣空氣品質淨化區維護管理考核計畫.pdf 37MB

2008 Tainan County Clean Air Zones Maintenance and Management Project

英文摘要 1. Revise the Website of Tainan County Clean Air Zones and the Method of Pursuance and Auditing (1)The website of clean air zones was revised. (2)The data of the new clean air zone was collected. 2. Revise the Method of Pursuance and Auditing based on the suggestions from commissioners and the 2009 auditing method of R.O.C. EPA,We established “2009 Tainan County clean air zones management and auditing method”. 3. The Auditing of Air Quality Purification Areas (1)The comments of 2009 auditing: Every clean air zone was audited twice per year in 2009. All of the suggestions in 2009 about management of clean air zones were summarized as follows: i.On the cultivation: (i)Appropriate watering, fertilizing, and clipping were recommended on withering plants. (ii)Some trees and shrubs were dead. We suggested to remove and plant new one. (iii)The green-cover-rate of some clean air zones is low. We suggested to plant more. (iv)For the uncovered ground, we suggested to cover the land by plants or brash. ii.On the maintenance of facilities: The billboards were recommended to be installed on the clean air zones which haven’t any billboard. iii.On the community participation Community participation was recommended on taking care of the plant. iv.On the cleaning of environment: We recommended to clean and maintain the environment around the clean air zones. (2)The 2009 final annual auditing group composed of specialists and scholars selected the best 5 clean air zones in Nov. 2009. 4. The Maintenance of the plant in clean air zones (1)We had addressed low green-cover-rate of five clean air zones. We suggested to cover the land by plants or brash. (2)The green-cover-rate of five clean air zones is 82% by the end of 2009 5. The Maintenance of Clean Air Zones (1)We had accomplished the maintenance work on 43 clean air zones. (2)We had measured the plant growth data and estimated the carbon absorption for 5 clean air zones. (3)The installation rate of billboard is 71.7% in 2008. 82 clean air zones have installed billboards before 2008. 1 clean air zones have installed billboards in 2009. 11 clean air zones have installed billboards by this Project. The installation rate of billboard is 80.3% by the end of 2009. 6. Set up interior plants (1)We were set up 100 interior plants in Bureau of Environmental Tainan County. (2)We continued with setting up 67 interior plants to be directed against withered or dead plants. 7. The Illustration Meetings and Emulation Meetings (1)One Illustration meeting was held on Feb. 18, 2009 to illustrate the principle of the bounty for the maintenance of the clean air zones. (2)One Illustration meeting was held on April 2, 2009 to illustrate the maintainable technique. (3)Two Illustration meeting was held on May 3, 2009 to illustrate the auditing and management method. (4)One Illustration meeting was held on Oct. 2, 2009 to illustrate the maintainable method about interior plants. (5)One emulation meetings were held on Nov. 27 2009 to illustrate the reuse of brash on uncovered ground. 8. Air Pollution Improvement Achievement (1)The CO2 absorbing capacity of the 117 clean air zones in Tainan County is 537.2 ton/yr in 2009. (2)The new clean air zones in 2009, may absorb 27.14 CO2 ton/yr and reduce TSP 0.61 ton/yr, SOx 8.83 ton/yr, NOx 2.01 ton/yr, CO 2.6 ton/yr, O3 11.56 ton/yr, and PAH 0.20 ton/yr. 9. Other Related Issues (1)We participated in 13 monthly self-criticism meetings. (2)We prepared the briefings and reports for the R.O.C. EPA commissioner auditing. The summary report on self-auditing in 2009 was delivered on Apr., 2008. (3)We had schemed out the principle of the bounty for the maintenance of the clean air zones in Feb 2008. We assisted on the documentation arrangement for the bounty of 42 clean air zones (4)10 news which composed by this Project published on newspapers. (5)We prepared the structure of 1 project for 1 Township Offices to apply for the support from R.O.C. EPA to build new clean air zones or bikeway.
英文關鍵字 Clean Air Zones Maintenance and Manangement