

中文摘要 隨著世界永續發展潮流理念的逐漸落實,永續發展已從過去抽象與宣示的層次逐漸轉化為具實際可行的行動階段;從全球性的階段向下延伸為國家主體的永續發展推動,近年來在國際間學術理論與實務操作中更形成進一步認知,即地區或地方實際推動永續發展的策略規劃,才是落實全球永續發展之關鍵層次,因此倡導「全球考量,在地落實(Think globally, Act locally)」為基本指導方針。澎湖縣政府深感永續發展對澎湖縣未來發展具有極深遠之重要性,在獲得行政院環境保護署的支持,澎湖縣政府即全力進行澎湖縣永續發展相關策略規劃之推動工作,期使在凝聚多元的共識下,落實「永續澎湖、快樂島嶼、美滿家園」的願景。 本計畫執行時,秉持行政院經建會擬定之推動流程的指導,縮短了地方永續發展推動的探索時間。在組織成立、願景設定、議題分析及策略規劃等階段的執行過程中,由本計畫進行幕僚籌備作業、推動成立澎湖縣地方永續發展工作分組、及後續的成立澎湖縣永續發展指導委員會及縣長宣示工作,展現縣府團隊宣達永續發展的決心;另外到各個永續發展工作分組之分項作業,以及與民眾團體的座談及說明會,計畫團隊將永續發展精神中,由下而上的溝通協調理念作了初步操練,更在此期間藉由各局室永續發展工作分組成員間的互動,串連起縣府團隊間之伙伴關係,暢通了縣府團隊溝通的管道;因著對地方永續發展真正意涵的逐步體認以及對澎湖縣發展的熱忱,縣府團隊已明顯得到一個整合性的溝通平台。 「澎湖縣永續發展指導委員會」以各局室首長、府外機關單位及專家學者等成員組成,並通過「澎湖縣永續發展指導委員會設置要點」(以下簡稱設置要點),賦予後續相關工作推動之法源依據,會議中並對各項討論議題提出具體意見,除了給予計畫團隊寶貴建言外,每次的委員會議也產生再教育的功能,為後續工作推動訂定出更清晰的理念與方向。依據設置要點,澎湖縣永續發展指導委員會下設置3個永續發展工作分組,包含永續環境組、永續經濟組及永續社會組,由縣府一級主管分任各分組召集人並指派工作窗口。澎湖縣永續發展整體工作之規劃與推動,在相關組織間伙伴關係建立後,即著手研訂永續發展願景、議題、策略措施及行動方案與指標等。 本計畫藉由推動工作分組聯合會議達成擴大縣府團隊的參與機制與整合共識的目的,計畫期間要求各工作分組成員就所欲規劃之永續發展策略與行動方案,預先做局處內部討論後,再於工作分組聯合會議中進行跨局處討論,由會議過程之腦力激盪與相互觀摩,對既有施政問題及目標進行討論,由參與機關共同尋求解決方案;本計畫也利用舉辦如「澎湖縣國際環保議題研討會」、「澎湖縣永續教育說明研討會」、「永續發展環保研商會」等相關說明會,邀集多方代表等,初步嘗試擴大由下而上的民眾參與及共識整合的機制,民眾在會議中所反映的關切事項便得以在工作小組中審慎評估,並利用量化分析在整體面、環境面、經濟面、社會面相關議題的重要性。 本計畫已協助擬定由「永續澎湖、快樂島嶼、美滿家園」作為澎湖縣永續發展願景,以「加強自然資源的保育與文化保存」、「開發澎湖自然資源,倡導無污染生活環境」、「追求澎湖的生活、生產、生態均衡發展」、「發揮在地行政效率與區域的特色」及「創造澎湖的快樂所得高於國民所得」5大議題,作為現階段澎湖縣永續發展規劃推動之主軸。 根據研提之議題提出之策略規劃有:「一、加強島嶼生態保育並結合生態旅遊」、「二、研擬再生能源系統、海水淡化與環保機制」、「三、推動國際觀光,建立具競爭力的觀光產業」、「四、升級農漁產業,結合天人合一的生態環境」、「五、強化基礎設施,獎勵民間投資」、「六、加強社會安全與防災系統」、「七、深耕教育文化,培植人力資源」、「八、建立完善的醫療系統」及「九、落實社會福利,建立緊密的社會關懷、照顧體系」等9大策略。 策略規劃需藉由可執行的行動方案以實現之,是以權衡當前澎湖縣既定施政目標、發展規劃與預定計畫方案,彙整各工作分組討論結果,並以100年至103年為計畫執行近程規劃,歸納101項行動方案,期使澎湖縣地方發展有計畫地朝向落實永續理念前進。 此外,指標研擬過程除參考國際間相關指標建立經驗和我國國家永續指標系統外,為使永續發展工作順暢地與縣府團隊已運作之行政管理機制銜接,工作小組參考環保署評鑑地方永續發展計畫之評鑑指標內容提出初步建議指標後,並透過工作分組聯合會議與各局室進行意見徵詢後,初步完成28項澎湖縣永續發展指標系統。咸信藉由評量指標之建置,定期檢討相關策略及行動方案之執行績效,有其必要性亦存在相當之困難度。希冀透過評量指標的審視,檢視與修正相關策略與方案時,才能呈現地方永續發展狀態,而此指標工具也應經由定期之評估與反饋檢討更新。 本計畫推動過程已具體凝聚縣府團隊對地方永續發展之共識,建立良好的伙伴關係,也讓民眾認知政府強烈之企圖心,委員會委員亦已就地方永續發展的指導、建議、監督準備就緒。經由本推動規劃工作,期使所有澎湖縣民皆能認同此城市,並創造居住在這塊土地共同的榮耀,進而感受「永續澎湖、快樂島嶼、美滿家園」之永續意象,唯有結合地方特色與國際潮流,思考澎湖縣在時間、空間與各領域的狀態與定位,方能把握珍貴資源以開創真正屬於澎湖縣的永續未來。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 1210 千元
專案開始日期 2008/05/01 專案結束日期 2009/07/31 專案主持人 陳萬財
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉一忠 執行單位 上境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 澎湖縣永續發展策略規劃書-定稿本.rar 9MB
英文摘要 As the world trend of sustainable development concept of progressive implementation, sustainable development has been declared over the past level of abstraction and gradually transformed into a stage of practical operation; down from the stage of the global extension of the main body for the country to promote sustainable development, In recent years, the international academic theory and practical knowledge in a more form and further, that the actual promotion of regional or local sustainable development, strategic planning, sustainable development is the key to the implementation of the global level, thus promoting "global considerations, in the implementation" as the basic guidelines. Penghu County Government is deeply on the future development of sustainable development has far-reaching importance, in obtaining the support of the Environmental Protection Administration, Penghu County Government is going ahead with the planning of sustainable development related strategies to promote the work of making diversity in the pool consensus, the implementation of "sustainable Penghu, happy island, a happy home" vision. The project execution, uphold the Executive Yuan, the CEPD to promote the development of the guidance process, reducing the local sustainable development of the exploration time. Established in the organization, vision setting, issue analysis and strategic planning phase of the implementation process, carried out by the staff of the project preparatory work, promote the establishment of local sustainable development Penghu group, and the subsequent establishment of Penghu County Sustainable Development Steering Committee Mayor declared the work and to show the county's commitment to sustainable development team to show the plan; addition to the work of the various sustainable development of the sub-group operations, as well as discussions with public groups and seminars to sustainable development planning team spirit , bottom-up communication and coordination preliminary idea of drilling, but in the meantime by the Council Room of sustainable development of the interaction between group members, which links the county partnership between the team and smooth communication between the county government team Pipeline; because of the real meaning of local sustainable development and realize the gradual development of the Penghu enthusiasm, the county government team has obviously been an integrated communication platform. "Penghu County Sustainable Development Steering Committee" to the Council chamber heads, out of county organs such units and members of the experts, and through, "Penghu County Steering Committee set of guidelines for sustainable development", gives the follow-up related work to promote The legal basis, the meeting and the views of the specific issues discussed, in addition to the valuable suggestions given project team, the members of each meeting also produced functional re-education, for the follow-up to promote and set out more clearly the ideas and direction. Based on set points, Penghu County Sustainable Development Steering Committee set up under the three sustainable development groups, including sustainable environmental groups, sustainable economy and sustainable social group group, appointed by the county government a competent sub-convener of the group and assigned working window. Penghu overall sustainable development planning and promotion of relevant organizations in the partnership, that had begun work on the vision of sustainable development, issues, strategies and measures and action plans and indicators. Groups by promoting the work of this project to reach a joint meeting mechanism to expand the county government team involved in consensus with the purpose of integration, project working groups during the required members of the wants and hopes for planning sustainable development strategies and action programs, bureaus and sections within the pre-done After discussion, the Working Group again in joint session to discuss cross office, by the brainstorming session and mutual process of observation, on both policy issues and objectives discussed by the participating agencies together to find solutions; this project will be conducted using such as " Penghu County international environmental issues seminar ", "Penghu County sustainable education seminars," "Sustainable development, environmental research and Chamber of Commerce" and other instructions will be, invited representatives of multilateral, bottom-up initial attempt to expand public participation and the consensus mechanism of integration, people in the meeting the concerns reflected in the working group will be critically evaluate and using quantitative analysis of the overall surface , environment, expectations for the economy, social issues related to the importance of face. This project has helped develop the "sustainable Penghu, happy island, a happy home" vision of sustainable development as Penghu County, in order to "strengthen the conservation and cultural preservation of natural resources", "Penghu development of natural resources, promoting clean living environment "" pursuit of Penghu, production, ecological balance development "," play in to the administrative efficiency and regional characteristics, "and" the joy of creating Penghu higher than the national income derived from the "5 big issue, as sustainable development at this stage Penghu planning to promote the spindle. According to research presented raise the question of strategic planning are: "First, to strengthen and integrate conservation island eco-tourism," "Second, to develop renewable energy systems, water desalination and environmental protection mechanism," "Third, to promote international tourism, the establishment of competitive Force tourism industry "," four, upgrade agricultural and fishing industries, combined with the ecological environment of Heaven, "" Fifth, strengthen infrastructure, encourage private investment "," Sixth, to strengthen social security and disaster prevention system "," Seventh, deep plowing education and culture, cultivating human resources "," Eighth, establish and improve the health care system "and" Ninth, the implementation of social welfare, the establishment of strong social concern and care system "in 9 major strategy. Strategic planning required by the executable program of action to achieve that end, the policy is to balance the current Penghu established objectives, development planning and booking planning program, compile the results of the working group discussions, and to 100~103 years for the project implementation short-range planning, summarized 101 action, the development of local plans to Penghu to move forward towards the implementation of sustainable concepts. In addition, the indicator development process, making reference to the establishment of relevant indicators of international experience and China's national sustainable development indicators system, to make sustainable development work with the county government team has been smooth operation of administrative mechanism of convergence, the working group refer to EPA evaluation local sustainable development plan of evaluation indicators to make preliminary recommendations indicators, and through the Joint Working Group meeting room with the Bureau of consultation after the initial completion of 28 Penghu Sustainable Development Indicator System. It is believed that through the evaluation indicators build on a regular basis to review strategies and action plans related to the implementation of the performance, is necessary there is also considerable and difficult. Hoping to look through the evaluation index, view, and amend the related strategies and programs in order to render state of local sustainable development, and this indicator tool should also be assessed and feedback through periodic review and update. This project has been to promote the process of condensation county specific local sustainable development team consensus on the establishment of good partnership, but also to the strong public perception of government ambition, the Committee members have been on the local sustainable development guidance, advice, supervision ready. Through the promotion of planning, of all the Penghu Minjie could identify this city, and to create a common living in the glory of the land, and then feel "sustainable Penghu, happy island, a happy home," the sustainable image, only combined local features and international trends and thinking Penghu in time, space and all areas of the state and location, can only grasp the precious resources to create a truly sustainable future are Penghu County.