

中文摘要 彰化縣長久以來為工業及農業發展的城市,空氣污染主要來源為各產業型態之工廠及各式機動車輛所排放之廢氣,而隨著都市土地利用型態的改變及民眾環保意識提升,工廠總數逐年減少,但使用中之機動車輛總量卻逐年上升,使得機動車輛所排放之廢氣成為都市空氣污染最主要之來源,因此,如何降低機動車輛之廢氣排放,是本縣當前極重要之環保課題。 本計畫自97年5月28日統計至98年5月27日,共計完成移動式定檢服務車免費檢測49點次。機車定檢數量為411,951輛次,平均定檢率為79.81%,可見得民眾對機車強制定檢的接受度正逐年提高中,由定檢資料統計得知,定檢數量以設籍彰化縣與台中縣市的機車最多,而外縣市車輛約佔30%,在削減量方面,主要的管控措施來自加速老舊之機車淘汰、機車定檢改善效益、未定檢機車稽查作業等,依環保署減量資料推算97年度彰化縣NMHC年削減量為337公噸,CO年削減量則為1760公噸。 在柴油車管制方面,總計達成柴油車排煙檢測4647輛次,不合格428輛次,不合格率為9.2%。油品採樣,共計採樣4799件,篩選送驗301件,已檢驗完成301件,不合格2件,不合格率為0.7%。執行目視判煙不合格數為10359輛次,進行車籍查詢並篩除報廢、繳銷及停駛等因素,總計已完成4003件發文通知檢測工作。在削減量方面,主要的來自老舊之柴油車淘汰、柴油車汙染改善效益及推動柴油車業者自主管理、推動使用低污染車輛等,依環保署減量資料推算97年度彰化縣TSP年削減量為15.205公噸。 本計畫藉由執行各項車輛管制措施及跨局處合作並輔以宣導民眾,進而達到改善彰化縣空氣品質之實際效應及完善績效。
中文關鍵字 目測、移動污染源、粒狀污染物、氣狀污染物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 16980 千元
專案開始日期 2008/05/28 專案結束日期 2009/05/27 專案主持人 吳書易
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 周建成 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 中英文成果報告摘要-1.pdf 0MB

2008 Mobile Pollution Inspection Control and Dynamometer Station Maintenance and Management Project.

英文摘要 Changhua County has been a city of industrial and agricultural development for a long time. Most of air pollutants come from plants and factories of various industrial types and exhausts emitted from numerous motor vehicles. With the changes in the use of urban land and increasing consciousness of people in environmental protection, the number of factories is dropping, whereas that of motor vehicles in use is growing year after year. As the result, the exhausts from motor vehicles become the primary source of urban air pollution. Therefore, the County Government is looking vigorously for a solution as how to reduce exhausts of motor vehicles. This projects started from May 28 2008 to May 27 2009. In total, the mobile inspection vehicles have carried out free inspections at 49 spots, and 411,951 motorcycles have been inspected with an average inspection ratio of 79.81%. It is clear that citizens’ acceptance for compulsive motorcycle inspections is growing. Also from the inspection statistics, most of motorcycles inspected are registered in Changhua County and Taichung County and City, indicating that 30% of motorcycles are from other counties or cities. For exhaust reduction, the primary control measures come from acceleration of decommissioning of old motorcycles, improvement of motorcycle inspections, and auditing on uninspected motorcycles. According to the reduction data provided by Environmental Protection Administration, the reduction in NMHC in Changhua County was 337 tons in 2998, and the reduction of CO was 1760 tons. For control of diesel vehicles, 4,647 vehicles were inspected for exhaust, in which 428 failed the inspections with a failure ratio of 9.2%. For fuel sampling, 4,799 samples were collected, and 301 samples were sent for testing, where 2 failed the testing with a failure ratio of 0.7%. For visual determination of exhaust, 10,359 vehicles failed the determination. For vehicle registration inquiries and screening for non-serviceable vehicles, cancellation of vehicle registration and out-of-service requests, in total 4,003 notices have been issued for inspections. The exhaust reduction came from mostly the retirement of old diesel-fueled vehicles, improvement of diesel-fueled vehicles as pollution source, promotion of self-management of diesel-fueled vehicle owners, and promotion of use of low pollution vehicles. According to data released by EPA, it is estimated that the TSP reduction reached 15.205 tons in Changhua County in 2008. This project has achieved the practical effects and excellent performance in improving the air quality of Changhua County by implementing vehicle control measures and inter-agency cooperation to help people understand what we are doing to make tomorrow better.
英文關鍵字 Visual determination, Mobile source, Particulate matters, Gaseous pollutants