

中文摘要 本年度(97年度)計畫有4大目標,包括: 一、修訂連續自動監測設施查核及品質保證作業標準程序。 二、加強連續自動監測系統查核與評鑑工作,並針對查核後之問題追蹤、輔導改善及資料建檔管理工作。 三、妥善管理已連線公私場所並提昇監測數據品質與應用。 四、執行固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收申報收件及資料建檔、審核、催補繳及查核作業事項,以落實污染者付費精神,並確保收費對象之完整公平及合理性。 本計畫自97年10月7日議價後即根據工作計畫書所提出之工作方法著手進行各項計畫工作,多項工作皆符合預定進度,執行進度如表一所示。執行結果概述如下: 一、連續自動監測系統功能查核部分 在前置作業方面,工作小組於97年12月15日辦理連線說明會,說明會邀請環保局承辦人及連線工廠共同參與,會議內容包括今年度重點管制方向、相關法令說明及查核缺失檢討等,期望相關人員對本計畫內容能有更深入的了解,以利後續查核工作進行。另依據管理辦法及相關審查規定修訂連續自動監測設施查核及品保作業程序,於97年11月26日提送。 監測儀器功能查核方面,本年度共計完成7根次煙道相對準確度測試查核作業,完成率100%,檢測結果各測項合格率皆為100%;不透光率校正誤差查核共計完成11根次,完成率100%,低、中、高範圍合格率皆為100%;而標準氣體查核共計完成7根次,完成率100%,查核結果各測項合格率均為100%。監督查核共計完成8根次相對準確度測試監督查核及11根次不透光率校正誤差監督查核,本年度監督結果皆符合標準。 監測資料審查方面,每月定期進行監測月報審查,並完成日、月報傳輸及有效監測時數百分比統計,本年度連線工廠均能按時傳送資料,且每季有效監測時數百分比均能達92%以上;監測月報表方面,各公私場所均能依審查意見修正缺失,缺失發生情形已有逐月改善。 法規符合度方面完成7廠11根煙道確認,查核缺失發現部分工廠定期不透光率校正誤差查核之高範圍濾光片不透光率超過儀器全幅設定。現場評鑑方面,本年度共計完成3廠次評鑑作業,發現主要缺失為監測儀器狀況不穩定、儀器無法執行氣體查核、廠方無法提出報表運算說明、維護報表填載太過簡略等,以上缺失工作小組除主動追查外,亦提供相關資料輔導工廠進行改善。 二、空污費徵收作業 空污費徵收方面,本年度共計完成97第3季至98年第2季2,744家次空污費徵收作業,四季徵收金額為70,537,771元;並完成97第3季至98年第2季核收及結算公文寄發作業。空污費列管名單更新擴充部分,本年度完成共計解除列管16家,新增擴充30家。 硫氧化物及氮氧化物空污費查核方面,本年度共計完成509家次,完成率為100%,查核合格率為93.7%。揮發性有機物空污費查核方面,於97年12月15日前共計完成245家次查核,完成率100%,另98年度完成312家次查核,全年度查核合格率為66.8%。 空污費申報排放量比對方面,本年度共計完成150家,完成率100%,其中空污費申報排放量與廠商每季申排放量比對結果,符合率為69.3%,不符合原因多為計算方式(係數)不一致所致。
中文關鍵字 連續自動監測系統;空污費


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 5684.5 千元
專案開始日期 2008/10/07 專案結束日期 2009/10/06 專案主持人 陳靖民
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳惠敏 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97南縣CEMS期末報告(摘要).pdf 0MB

Examination and Auditing Inspection Project for Functions of Continuous Emission Monitring System (CEMS) and The Remedial Charge of The Air Pollution Fees of Fixed Pollution Source

英文摘要 This plan has for objectives, included that: 1. To revise the continuous emission monitoring system audit and quality assurance the standardization program. 2. Enhance the work of the CEMS audit and score. Trace the issues after the audit, and assist the factory owners to improve them. Data establishment and management of them. 3. Manage properly for the factories had connected and promote the application of monitoring data quality. 4. Carry out the air pollution fee levy and investigation which to protect the fairness and rationality of the payer. Since October 7, 2008, which after the price-negotiation, we have undertaken several works according to the proposal. Every works matches the rate of progress, which was showed in table 1. The results of implement are as follows: 1. Inspection of Continuous Emission Monitoring System In December 15, 2008, our group has held a session which was about the CEMS system connection. We also invited the EPA’s undertake and the factory owners to participate in. The session is about the way of the management of CEMS, the statement of the laws, and the review of the defects after investigation. We wished that the relevance would have thorough comprehension about this plan, which to promote the investigation. Furthermore, we revised the investigation of CEMS and the procedure of QA. The result was submitted in November 26, 2008. As for the continuous emission monitoring system investigation, 7 groups of Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) were done. The rate of accomplishment is 100%. Every testing item is up to the standard. There are 11 groups of Opacity calibration error test were done. The rate of accomplishment is 100%. The low, middle, and high range are up to the standard. There are 7 groups of CGA were done, the rate of accomplishment is 100%. Every testing item is up to the standard too. Besides that, there are 8 groups of supervisory RATA, 11 groups of supervisory OP test were done. Each of them are up to the standard. As for the investigation of the monitoring data, we investigate the monthly reports every month we also compute the rate of transmission every month, and the effective monitoring time. Nowadays, the factories’ undertaker can transmit the data on time. The rates of effective monitoring time are all up to 92% and more. As for regulation conformity, 7 factories (11 stacks) were done, and the results showed that parts of the factories’ Op in high range are over the span. We also held 1 groups of CEMS on-spot guidance. The main drawbacks were the instability of monitoring system. And we will continue to investigate it, and also provide the concerned data to help them to revise the error. 2. Air Pollution Fee Levy We have finished the tasks of the air pollution fee from Q3 2008 to Q2 2009, the total money amounts to 70,537,771 NTD. The results of accounts settlement were also mailed. As for the examination for the pollutant of SOx and NOx, we have finished 509, the rate of accomplishment is 100%. The qualified rate is 93.7%. As for the examination for the pollutant of VOCs, we have finished 245 before December 15, 2008. The rate of accomplishment is 100%, and qualified rate is 66.8 %. The comparisons of air pollutant emission, 150 factories were done. The rate of accomplishment is 100%, and qualified rate is 69.3%.
英文關鍵字 Contiuous Emission Monitoring System;air pollution control fees