

中文摘要 桃園縣政府環境保護局為迅速處理公害陳情案件,有效化解環保紛爭,以提高民眾對於施政之滿意度,故委託執行本專案計畫,期可透過環保報案中心之運作、陳情案件受理後稽巡查、空氣污染陳情來源之檢測及不明空氣污染源定性分析等工作,達成源頭減案目標。本期末報告係撰寫執行期間各相關工作成果,亦蒐集分析歷年陳情案件建檔情資、陳情案件處理品質指標及環境背景資訊進行探討,據以呈現本年度計畫與往年差異,主要成果摘要如下。 協助環保報案中心運作:投入充足之人物力資源,24小時全年無休受理民眾陳情案件,計畫期間共受理11,301件陳情案件,執行8,138件之巡查。 受理陳情案件數明顯減少:每月平均受理件數自96年之994件/月減少98年之931件/月,與97年同期相較,案件數減少幅度為5.0%。 一再陳情案件比例提升:在環保局源頭減案之政策下,強化陳情案件處理及民眾滿意度調查及民怨撫平技巧,整體一再陳情案件比例已大幅減少至1.0%。 陳情案件處理效能:單一案件之平均處理時間由95年之0.79日/件增加至96年之0.89日/件、97年1.08日/件,計畫期間之處理時效僅需花費0.8天,時間的縮短比例達25.9%。 重大空氣污染源裁處:針對屢遭民眾陳情之異味污染物來源執行23廠次以上入廠輔導、30點次周界空氣污染物採樣分析及12根次(10廠家) 排放管道空氣污染物檢測,超標污染源依法裁處9件次。 不明空氣污染源掌握:藉由異味強度調查作業及不明空氣污染源(惡臭)定性分析,完成5處不明來源區塊之兩階段的定性採樣分析作業。 本計畫歷經本年度之執行,經調查計畫期間之民眾滿意度與前兩年度同期相較,民眾滿意度有明顯上升的趨勢,調查結果為滿意以上等級,95年11月至96年9月、96年11月至97年9月、97年11月至98年9月分別為12.8%、16.8%及75.4%,不滿意及非常不滿意也在環保局的努力之下,已有顯著減少趨勢,調查結果為不滿意以下等級,95年11月至96年9月、96年11月至97年9月、97年11月至98年9月分別為5.2%、15.6%及5.3%,在整體滿意度部分大幅上升且在不滿意度部分也有明顯下降,顯示環保局處理的情形已漸漸獲得民眾認同。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 11800 千元
專案開始日期 2008/11/05 專案結束日期 2009/11/04 專案主持人 陳威達
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 威陞環境科技有限公司


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期末報告 0978824892.pdf 43MB
英文摘要 To rapidly deal with the petitions of public nuisance, reduce pollution disputes, and to satisfy people’s need for healthy environments, Taoyuan County Environmental Protection Bureau delegates the project. This project attempts to effectively deal with petitions, especially air pollution ones, analyze air pollutants, and reduce pollution petitions. The final report collects annual petitioned cases and the present improvement results in the following. 1.Report center of public nuisance petition :This project provides sufficient resources as needed to deal with the 24-hour petitions of public nuisance all year, during which 11,301 petitions comes from people reports and 8,138 petitions comes from active inspections by government. 2.Petitions on the decrease: on average, from 944 monthly petitions of 2007 to 931 monthly petitions of 2009, the petition reduce rate of this year reaches 5% in comparison with last year2008. 3.Because of this project, the repeated petitions go down 1%. 4.The public nuisance petitions increased in the past few years, each petition took more and more time. Each petition took 0.79 day in 2006, 0.89 day in 2007 and 1.08 day in 2008. Owing to this project, each petition takes merely 0.8 day in2009. Obviously, petition management efficiency goes up to 25.9%. 5.23 odor-emitting factories are petitioned and guided to improve their pollution conditions. This project undertakes 30 times of pollutant sampling around factories and 12 times of stack sampling. Of all the samplings mentioned above, 9 cases are proved to emit pollutions over emission standard and are thus fined. 6.Unknown pollutants are also detected and analyzed in 5 locations which are recurrently petitioned. In contrast with the past two year, people are largely satisfied with the results of petition dealing. The satisfactory rates are 12.8% in 2007, 16.8% in 2008 and 75.4% in 2009. People’s dissatisfaction with petitions is equivalently reduced, 5.2% in 2007, 15.6% in 2008 and 5.3% in 2009. People’s satisfaction with petition dealing is the best reward of government efforts.