

中文摘要 近年國人在生活逐漸富裕的情況下,衍生出廢棄物增加的問題,不但嚴重衝擊環境品質,也為地球帶來危機。因此如何有效減少廢棄物產生,並善用有限的環境資源,以建立一個永續發展的環保社會,成為我們急需面對的問題。近年來世界先進國家已紛紛摒棄傳統廢棄物管理方法,不強調以焚化與掩埋等末端處理方式,而是朝減少資源浪費、減少廢棄物產生,同時強調回收再生利用的前端管理,藉由資源再利用最大化、廢棄物最小化的方式,達到「零廢棄」的目標。而近年來國內廢棄物管理方式,也在環保署大力推動多項源頭減量及資源回收政策下,邁向資源永續管理方向。 本計畫藉由多元宣傳管道,透過電視、廣播、報紙、網路等媒體進行多項政策宣傳。在電視方面,除了透過二支電視廣告播出「垃圾強制分類」及「廢行動電話回收」,建立民眾對垃圾分類及廢行動電話回收的環保知識外;同時也透過電視新聞報導及生活性電視節目的製播,強化民眾對「自備餐具」、「一次用產品減量」、「藥品容器回收」、「廢行動電話回收」、「限制產品過度包裝」等政策實施內容及成效認知。 廣播部分,經由播出「鼓勵民眾自備餐具」及「廢行動電話回收」二支廣播廣告,宣導相關環保知識。此外,為擴大宣傳成效,另再輔以節目專訪、電台口播及新聞報導等方式,加強對「廣告郵件減量」、「不使用免洗筷」、「限制產品過度包裝」、「綠色包裝設計活動」及「便利商店不主動提供免洗筷」等議題的宣傳,提升民眾支持。在平面媒體部分,除在蘋果日報刊登廣告宣傳「環保署僱用弱勢,穩定回收體系」外,另在聯合報刊登整版「廢棄物源頭減量及資源回收」座談會內容。 網路宣傳則配合環保署建置之「自備餐具享好康優惠網站」進行宣傳,在主要入口網站(如yahoo、pchome)及知名部落格網站(無名小站)刊登廣告Banner宣傳,提升民眾點選該網站的次數,藉由提供優惠之經濟誘因引導民眾自備餐具。 除了媒體宣傳,本案亦透過舉辦記者會,宣傳「廢行動電話回收」政策,增進民眾的了解及認知,並呼籲民眾在日常生活中養成隨手做環保的習慣。
中文關鍵字 廢棄物源頭減量;資源回收;垃圾分類


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-H101-02-218 經費年度 097 計畫經費 8000 千元
專案開始日期 2008/09/26 專案結束日期 2009/11/30 專案主持人 楊淑津
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 盧曉宜 執行單位 民視文化事業股份有限公司


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期末報告 期末報告.pdf 15MB 期末報告

The dissemination of reduce waste and resource recycling project

英文摘要 As Taiwanese people are living a better life recently, the problem of increasing waste has occurred. It not only damages our environment but also endangers this earth. Therefore, how to effectively reduce the waste, make good use of limited resources, and construct a sustainable society becomes an urgent issue that we all have to face. In recent years, developed countries around the world have abandoned traditional methods of waste disposal. They no longer incinerate and bury the waste; instead, they strive to decrease the consumption of resources, reduce the production of waste, and emphasize the management of recycling. By maximizing the resource recycling and minimizing the waste, the goal of “zero waste” can be achieved. In terms of Taiwan’s waste management, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has recently implemented many policies, such as waste source minimization and resource recycling. These policies will effectively help recycling wastes and achieve the goals of Zero Waste. This project is aimed to propagandize the policies through multiple media, including TV, radio, newspaper and the Internet. With regard to TV, two commercials, “mandatory garbage sorting” and “mobile phone recycling” are broadcast constantly on TV, helping the public familiar with garbage sorting and mobile phones recycling. Meanwhile, TV news reports and programs are specially produced to educate the public with the importance of carrying their own dining utensils with them, decreasing the use of disposable products, recycling medical containers, recycling used mobile phones, and restricting excessive packaging. With regard to radio, two radio commercials, “encouraging the public to carry dining utensils with them” and “recycling mobile phones,” are broadcast to propagandize environmental protection knowledge. Besides, in order to enlarge the propaganda effect, other promotion forms including interviews, host’s description and news reports are added to widely inform the public of these important issues, such as reduction of commercial mails, no use of disposable chopsticks, restriction on excessive packaging, green packaging, and no provision of disposable chopsticks by convenience stores. With regard to the print media, a commercial regarding how the EPA employs disadvantaged people to conduct recycling is published on the Apple Daily; the information about the waste source minimization and resource recycling seminar is also published on the United Daily News. As for the Internet, the EPA establishes an exclusive website that introduces the benefits of using your own dining utensils. Moreover, with a view to exposing the website to more Internet users, commercial banners are placed on major portal websites (like Yahoo and PChome) as well as well-known blogs (like Wretch). It is expected that the benefits introduced on the website can attract more people to carry their own dining utensils with them. In addition to the promotion via the media, the project also hosts press conferences to promo “recycling mobile phones,”, make the public realize the policy of mobile phone recycling and to ask them to make environmental protection a habit in daily life.
英文關鍵字 Waste source minimization;Resource recycling;classification of home refuse