

中文摘要 海洋污染事件發生時,處理之重擔往往落在主管機關身上,無法有效達成分工原則,且因地方應變資源包含應變人力與應變設備的不足或通報流程之缺漏,常造成錯失第一時間該採行之應變作為。另因目前國內地方主管機關負責水污染應變設備管理之人員,大多未具備屬專業機械背景,易造成設備保養不佳之情況,導致在第一時間未能利用設備之圍堵回收效能,降低污染擴散。因此本計畫藉由檢討「重大海洋油污染緊急應變計畫」之通報流程與各權責單位之應變能量,修正緊急應變通報流程,希冀提高應變之成效。且協助辦理「兩岸海洋污染緊急應變協作」,除建構兩岸海洋污染應變之溝通管道及應援作業流程,另可藉由多樣性策略的規劃提供未來發生事故時之應變參考。 本計畫主要工作:檢討「重大海洋油污染緊急應變計畫」之通報、應變層級、分工原則及其他標準作業程序;提升海洋污染緊急應變系統效率,完成海洋污染緊急應變作業專業機構建置及管理之規劃;強化區域性河川及海洋污染緊急應變能量管理模式,完成應變設備存放、使用及保養程序之規劃;繼續調查海洋環境敏感指標分類,以提供海洋污染緊急應變相關資訊。 國外多以專責單位或民間應變組織執行海污應變作業,其優點在於動員速率快,除污人員之除污經驗可以累積達到應變作業的提昇。建議成立專責單位或藉由委辦計畫來執行海洋污染緊急應變事宜,並藉由區域聯防之方式,統籌調度、整合區域緊急應變人力及能量,強化區域海洋油污染事件通報及應變能力,縮短海洋油污染緊急應變處理時間,有效完成防堵油污染擴散,避免影響海洋環境敏感區域,造成生態及經濟上之損失。 國內海洋污染應變設備自90年起由環保署編列預算購置,再交由海巡署或地方主管機關使用,設備從無到有,逐漸健全應變能量,建議未來需要定期查核各地之應變設備且編列預算購置汰換來更新設備,另外可藉由委辦計畫之方式代為操作及保養維護全省之應變設備,藉由「委外方式」節省政府經費,包含設備之保養維護、教育訓練及應變演練等事宜,均可減少公務部門人力及經費的支出,更可提升應變人員之專業性。 為結合民間機構及團體的力量及資源,共同來維護海洋環境、保護海域資源。本計畫舉辦一場次之「海洋污染防治技術及應變講習會」及一場次之兩岸海洋污染防治學術交流研討會,邀請民間機構及團體參加,出席單位包含縣市環保局、海洋局、各地海巡隊、港務局、墾管處、台電公司、台灣中油公司等,邀集各地環保單位及相關應變單位進行海洋污染應變技術及資訊之交流。本計畫舉辦一場次的兩岸海洋污染緊急應變協作,藉由兵棋推演除了模擬應變程序之外,亦評估地方應變設備能量是否足夠及兩岸之協作模式。 本計畫完成東部區域(花蓮縣、台東縣)海洋環境敏感指標分類366公里調查,建置環境敏感地圖除了讓決策者根據海岸分類選用適當的除污法,另外生態敏感區及人類利用資源則是幫助決策者決定保護的優先順序。由於生態與漁業資源均是珍貴重要的資產,一但受到破壞需要花費更多的代價或者無法復原之狀況,因此平時的監測更顯重要,建議應持續蒐集生態資料、整合相關單位之調查資料及與溢油模式相結合,以豐富及完善環境敏感地圖。
中文關鍵字 海洋油污染應變、海洋污染防治、緊急應變與管理


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-G106-02-231 經費年度 098 計畫經費 7700 千元
專案開始日期 2009/10/19 專案結束日期 2010/10/18 專案主持人 范千靖
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 傅豫東 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 河川及海洋污染緊急應變功能提昇專案工作計畫 定稿.rar 94MB

The Project of Capability promotion of River and Marine Pollution Emergency Response

英文摘要 The lead agency is responsible for any marine pollution incident. A break in the response process chain can delay response and lose the opportunity to mitigate any impact in the first instance. The aim of this report is to recommend steps to rectify the current deficiencies in the marine pollution emergency response system and upgrade the response effectiveness. The main issues that are addressed in this report are improving the notification process, defining the tiered response levels, the roles and responsibilities of the difference response agencies, establish the standard operating procedures and enhance the efficiency and capability to respond to pollution in the marine environment including rivers and streams. This is done through a proper model of management of equipment distribution, storage and maintenance. The job of responding to marine emergencies are given to specialized units and agencies or outsourced to professional contractors in many different countries. The main advantage of this is that the people are doing this as their primary job and are more familiar with the processes hence are experienced, better trained and more effective and efficient in responding when activated by the lead agency. The lead agency uses these resources as their advisors and response units but is free from the responsibility of training and the daily upkeep of these qualified professionals. It is recommended that a special response or pollution control unit be set up or have this task outsourced to experienced private contractors to maximize the effectiveness of response to marine pollution matters. Target areas of improvement include notification process, mobilization times, proper and effective response strategies through development of response plans to environmentally sensitive areas and proper prioritizing of these areas to minimize impact to ecology and reduce economical losses. One of the main deficiencies of the marine pollution response system is the improper maintenance of response equipment. Since the acquisition of these equipments in 2001, it is distributed to individual EPBs and CGS units. However these units do not have qualified maintenance professionals and are not given the proper equipment maintenance programs for the equipment. It is highly recommended that a maintenance programme for all equipment be set up and outsourced to maintenance professionals to ensure that all the equipment are in response-ready state. It is also recommended to have a medium and long term plan to renew and enhance the equipment stockpile. The last recommendation is to encourage private response organizations and contractors to set up in Taiwan to enhance the overall response capability. Training and exercises can also be outsourced to these professional companies. Involvement and interaction of oil and other related industries are also recommended. The second part of this project is to assist in organizing the cross-straits marine pollution response mutual aid programme. This includes establishing the process of mobilization and cooperation for future reference. As part of this initiative, a cross-straits Table-top exercise between Taiwan and China is developed and facilitated to ensure the processes and procedures established are tested and both parties are in agreement of this process. The last part of this project is to continue with the investigation and record of coastal environmental sensitivity index mapping. We finished the survey of 366 kilometers coastline in eastern Taiwan; the data is indexed and added to the decision making system database of EPA. This database will ensure that the lead and response agencies can respond with proper supporting data to decide on suitable strategies and set up priorities to respond in different environmental sensitive areas. One area for improvement in the decision making system is to add baseline studies and environmental monitoring and consolidate these with the existing oil spill model as a continual process to capture the ever changing environmental through either natural processes or human activities.
英文關鍵字 Oil Spill Response、Marine Pollution Control、Emergency Response and Management