

中文摘要 「98年臺中縣河川流域稽查管制及裸露地揚塵改善計畫」,其計畫執行期程自簽約日98年3月1日起至99年2月28日止。本計畫各工作項目包括管制點現勘作業、稽巡查管制作業、空中稽查任務教育訓練、空中稽查任務、污染地圖、裸露地揚塵業務聯繫會議、宣導暨說明會、媒體傳播宣導等,整體工作量達成率為100.0%,本計畫執行摘要如下: 本計畫於計畫執行期間新聞稿共計見報26則,為空品科98年度所有計畫之冠,並協助環保局獲得縣府舉辦之「98年度提供新聞資料績優」丙組第2名。本計畫協助提供98年度環保署成效會議海報,獲得最佳海報獎。臺中縣環保局98年度SIP計畫考核,本計畫榮獲空品科考核第1名。 98年11月27日環保署監資處之「強化河川揚塵監測及空氣品質監測會議」,以及98年12月9日環保署空保處「全國河川揚塵防制會議」,獲得監資處長及空保處長於會議中口頭表揚。 於98年3月完成管制點30處之建置,並於每月進行管制點現勘作業,3~7月各流域裸露地無太大之變化,因8月遭逢颱風侵襲,各溪流域之原始植生遭沖毀。 執行637場次稽巡查管制作業,包括東北季風巡查237場次,有效掌握河川現地狀況。 於6月辦理空中稽查任務教育訓練1場次,並分別於7月、9月、10月、12月及1月執行6次空中稽查任務。製作污染地圖,約掌握1,498.3公頃之河川裸露地,推估其排放量約111.2公噸/季。 為解決臺中縣河港揚塵問題,召開跨部會協商會議4場次,會中協商各單位提出解決方案,針對所提方案具體實施,今年度進行揚塵防制施作194.4公頃,推估施作後TSP削減量合計1275.78公噸,為歷年之最。 協商第三河川局於大甲溪及大安溪進行揚塵防制施作18公頃,推估施作後TSP削減量合計7.79公噸。 協商第三河川局針對大甲溪砂石車專用便道進行維護及灑水作業,長度為33公里,面積為26.4公頃,推估施作後TSP削減量合計312.19公噸。 輔導臺中港務局規劃相關揚塵改善計畫,合計150公頃,推估鋪設粗級配及植生覆蓋施作後TSP削減量合計955.8公噸。 協調林務局相關種植防風林之規劃,只需土地管理機關提出要求,並提供土地位址、地號、面積及土地管理機關之同意函即可,種植後林務局代為育林6年,成林後撥還土地管理機關繼續照護。 協商水利署召開「研商河川公(私)地使用許可書(種植)增列抑制揚塵協力義務規範相關事宜」會議,訂定「河川使用者協力義務」,對於河川內之許可使用人使用河川,應配合採取揚塵防制措施,其有違反環保相關法令之情形者,河川局得廢止其許可。 後續規劃-臺中港務局規劃「98~103年漂飛沙區第三期整治工程」;第三河川局於99年編列8百萬規劃揚塵改善計畫;經濟部水利署規劃河川揚塵改善5年計畫。 成立揚塵防制聯繫網,成員包括行政院農委會林務局、經濟部水利署、經濟部水利署第三河川局、經濟部水利署中區水資源局、臺中農田水利會、交通部臺中港務局、臺中縣政府農業處、臺中縣環保局等單位,並於11月2日揚塵事件日啟動緊急應變作業,針對海線鄉鎮及港區加強道路灑水作業,執行灑水31輛次,灑水量181公噸。 於后里鄉及東勢鎮召開2場次宣導暨說明會,共計467人參與,針對民眾辦理教育宣導活動,並同時以媒體傳播的方式進行全面性宣導,希望能藉由這2方面的合作,使河川揚塵防制工作能永續發展,以徹底解決臺中縣空氣品質問題。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 5500 千元
專案開始日期 2009/03/01 專案結束日期 2010/02/28 專案主持人 江嘉凌
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳秋英 執行單位 思維環境科技有限公司


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期末報告 98年臺中縣河川計畫期末報告定稿.rar 34MB
英文摘要 This project was conducted for one year, since initiation date from March 1, 2009 to completion date Feb 28th, 2010. The progress of project is 100% achievement. The major work of this project was to reduce the pollution caused by fly dust which is from the bare land of rivers in Taichung County. The items of this project including audit-control work,sky audit mission,the education and training of sky audit mission and study on feasible prevention of river fly dust. And the final result abstract as follow: In this project, our executive team is the champion in the department of quality about air, which purposes the news manuscript for 26 articles appear on the newspaper. In addition, we are the number two about “provide data of news” which held in Taichung County. And we get not only the prize about the best poster but also the number one in the assessment of SIP. Also, the director of air quality and Supervisor Information Office commended well by verbally for our executive team which about the meeting of “To Strengthen and Monitored the Dust of River even the Quality of the Air” on Nov 11th, 2009 and the other one was “The National Prevention of River Dust” on Dec 9th, 2009. Thirty control points were established in March, 2009. In addition, the control points were checked in every month. As we know, the bare lands of river in each place are not change too much during March to July. Unfortunately, all conducted sites have been destroyed by the storm in Aug. During the project, the audit-control work has been held 637 times. Among this work, there are 237 times that had been held about North East seasonal wind. The sky audit emissions have been finished in July, Sep, Oct, Dec and Feb of 2010. Furthermore, the executive team also provided the training for the education. The training was the mission which is in the sky that is to audit the emission the dust of fly from exposed lands of river bed. Take advantage of the pollution map to control around 1,498.3 hectares of exposed lands of river basins and the total qualities of emission that is amount 111.2 tons per season. We invited the professionals and scholars form related fields were invited to attend four meetings, in order to solve the problems, that the dust from exposed lands of river bed in rivers and harbors in the Taichung County. In 2009, the conducted places for the prevention of dust, the area has been executed was 194.4 hectares. And the professionals inference was that the total reduces quality of TSP were 1275.78 metric tones which were the best over the years. The 3rd River Bureau control points were thus the conducted places for the prevention of fly dust, that derived from exposed lands from Tachia and Taan Rivers about 18 hectares. And total reduced quantity of TSP was 7.78 metric tones. Moreover, the way supply for the sand and crushed stone vehicle has been sprinkled water. The length of the way is 33 km and the measure of area was 26.4 hectares. And the quantity of TSP has been reduced 312.19 metric tones. We also guidance the Taichung Harbor Bureau to plan improvement proposal for prevention of dust was 36.67 hectares. It is estimated that this gravel coverage with vegetation could reduce amount of 955.8 tons of TSP. In harmony with the Forestry Bureau, all we need to request the address, number, area and the letter of approval from the management of land. The Forestry Bureau will help you to plan the trees about six years, than the management of land would keep on taking care of forest. The meeting is about “Study of the permission of planting which is the rule to control the dust for the public (private) rivers”, in order to set the rule of “the duty to the users”. Regardless of any person who uses the river should be observed the rule for the prevention of fly dust. On the other hands, the license would be cancel, if the person offend the law of the environment. The Taichung Harbor Bureau has planned the proposal regarding the improvement of dust from exposed lands of river bed. The plan named ” the third project is to rebuild an area of sand since years of 2009 to 2114. Also, it was noted that it has been approved by the 3rd River Bureau to grant NT$8 million dollars in 2010; likewise that the plan of the Water Resource Administration that is about dust of five years. The members of connect network as follow :the Forestry Bureau, the Water Resource Administration, the 3rd River Bureau, Central Region Water Resources Office, Taichung Irrigation Association, Taichung Harbor Bureau, Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Bureau Taichung County…etc. The network with reference to the fly of dust. As regards the emergency day of dust, the accumulated sprinkling water quantity was 181 metric tones, and total about 31 cars at the towns which is near to the sea and the harbors in the Nov 12th. Two times-places of governmental policy declaration and explanation of effective step have been held in Houli and Dong-shih, and totally about 467 people participated in this meeting. Furthermore, this meeting would be spread by the mass media. The cooperation which were combined the audience and the media, in order to solve a through problems about the quality of air in Taichung County.