

中文摘要 本計畫主要目標有二,分別為, (一)引進歐盟CPD及荷蘭BMD指令,健全再生材料管理機制。 (二)落實推動再生材料應用機制,展現執行成果。 主要包含以下五大成果: 一、歐盟CPD 及荷蘭BMD指令之資料收集,包括法源依據、政策形成流程、指令組成分工、評估流程、現況及案例之分析與介紹等。 蒐集完整歐盟建築產品指令(CPD)及其相關解釋性文件,進行法源依據政策形成流程、指令分工以及建築產品評估流程分析。並進行歐盟產品主要要求資料彙整,其中於解釋性文件三「衛生、健康及環境」(ER No.3)中所規範,建築工程的設計及營造過程中,皆不得對居住者或鄰近之鄰居公共衛生及健康產生以下之疑慮,(1)釋放有毒氣體、(2)產生危害性粒狀物或氣體、(3)輻射、(4)污染或土壤、(5)不當排放廢水、固體或液體廢棄物、及(6)部份工程或工程的表面因受潮而毀損,對於後續歐盟各國建築產品環境性要求影響甚大。 另外亦蒐集完整荷蘭建材法令(BMD)及其相關解釋文件,進行法源依據、政策形成流程、指令分工、建築材料評估流程及案例分析等。因建材法令主要為保護土壤及地下水,故BMD中建材使用規則僅涵蓋建築材料在使用階段所產生環境性要求,其餘工程性要求則不在BMD管制範圍;另為顧及不使其中特殊類別建材有散佈的風險,特別設立最低使用量規範,以求能集中管理、方便後續產生污染之移除。 二、歐盟CPD及荷蘭BMD指令溶出試驗要求與我國之比較與分析。 我國TCLP溶出方法基本上都是由有害廢棄物鑑定發展出的試驗方法,試驗條件並不能適度模擬出資源化產品在工程場合應用時現場條件。試驗中係以醋酸模擬垃圾掩埋場中,垃圾腐化反應過程所產生醋酸及有機酸。而這種情境在工程應用場合幾乎不適用,因為工程應用場合幾乎不可能出現有機物質。相較於計畫中所蒐集整理歐盟荷蘭溶出方法,仍缺少了適當方法作為長期溶出評估過程,亦無法瞭解廢棄物或資源化產品在環境中重金屬長期溶出潛勢及累積量,因此也無法評估重金屬溶出對環境所造成可能風險。故TCLP試驗適用於廢棄物檢測而非資源化產品檢測;對於資源化產品而言,以TCLP判定其是否適合再利用則未盡合理。 三、本土化再生材料管理機制(如法規標準)之初步建議。 在成分含量標準方面,目前「土壤及地下水污染整治法」現有土壤污染管制標準,與BMD中土壤介入值觀念相同。為求引入過程不引起相關標準間衝突,建議可以現有土壤污染管制標準替代其他土砂類成分含量限值為暫行標準,並爰引土壤監測基準為其它土砂類成分含量暫定標準。 在溶出標準方面,首先需建立檢驗方法,未來進一步訂定相關溶出標準前,仍需儘速加快驗證方法建立、審核與公告。而釋入量之溶出標準係使用相關建材之100 年期間,無機污染物經與水接觸,溶出進入1m 深土壤之環境釋入量,不得超過規定釋出最大容許值。在目前國內尚未有乾淨土砂含量標準以及後續釋入量標準前,以荷蘭BMD中釋入量標準為暫行標準或為可行模式。 四、辦理各項再生材料採用歐盟CPD及荷蘭BMD指令之配套檢驗/驗證標準(如專家系統、資料庫、測試方法及供需平台)相關事宜。 荷蘭ECN實驗室經過多年發展開發出LeachXS專家系統,提供使用者進行環境地質化學的最佳化資料庫,以做為環境衝擊評估模式工具。此專家系統可搭配相關歐盟環境性溶出標準試驗方法後所獲得的實驗數據,可推導預估100年環境釋入量。 五、研提前述分析報告至再生資源回收再利用促進委員會討論,建立本土化之制度及資訊平台。 本計畫已於99年五月研提分析報告至再生資源回收再利用促進委員會討論,討論議案重點如下,(1)資源化產品檢核評估流程及管理制度建立。(2)歐盟與荷蘭四種溶出驗證方法建立、審核與公告為標準方法。(3)爰引土壤管制標準為土砂類成分含量暫訂標準。(4)爰引荷蘭釋入量管制標準為國內釋入量管制暫行標準。(5)管制標的範圍。(6)本土標準建立。
中文關鍵字 歐盟建築產品指令;荷蘭營建材料法令;資源化產品


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-H102-02-258 經費年度 098 計畫經費 915 千元
專案開始日期 2009/11/09 專案結束日期 2010/05/31 專案主持人 施百鴻
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 鄭書華 執行單位 財團法人成大研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA98H10202258.pdf 18MB 歐盟CPD及荷蘭BMD指令引進計畫期末報告

Introduction of Construction Product Directive (CPD) and Building Material Decree (BMD) to Taiwan

英文摘要 There are two major tasks in this project, including, (1) Introduction of Construction Product Directive (CPD, 89/106/EEC) and Building Material Decree (BMD, staatsblad van het koninkrijk der Nerderland), improving the management system of secondary material. (2) Promotion of secondary materials reusing system, demonstration of the project performance Five major achievements could be presented as follows, 1.Information collection of CPD and BMD, including legal basis, law formation. process, directive division instruction, assessment process of materials and case study analysis. Complete text, essential requirements and guideline papers of CPD were downloaded and collected via internet. Analysis of legal basis, law formation process, directive division instruction and the assessment process of construction products were done. In Interpretative document No. 3: Hygiene, health and the environment (ER No.3) requires that “The construction work must be designed and built in such a way that it will not be a threat to the hygiene or health of the occupants or neighbours, in particular as a result of any of the following: the giving-off of toxic gas, the presence of dangerous particles or gases in the air, the emission of dangerous radiation, pollution or poisoning of the water or soil, faulty elimination of waste water, smoke, solid or liquid wastes, the presence of damp in parts of the works or on surfaces within the works.” These requirements have brought huge influence on the environmental requirements of construction products in the EU countries. At the same time, texts and explanatory notes and guidelines of BMD were also downloaded via internet. Analysis of legal basis, law formation process, directive division instruction and the assessment process of construction products were also done. The purpose of the Decree is to prevent the pollution of surface water, groundwater and the soil. Therefore, the BMD covers the use of materials and earth only, but not their storage or transport nor the working conditions, civil-engineering requirements or other aspects unrelated to their use. These are governed by other - statutory - rules. In addition, to avoid small quantities of category 2 building materials being found all over the Netherlands, a minimum quantity of building material to be used in a work are required. 2.Comparison and analysis of leaching tests between Taiwan and tests in CPD and BMD. TCLP (toxicity characteristic leaching procedure) was originally developed for the identification of hazardous wastes. The test conditions do not properly simulate the conditions at construction sites where recycled resources are used. Because the extraction with 0.5 N acetic acid in the TCLP testis to simulate the important chemical reaction stages which generate acetic and other organic acids in the formation of methane in a municipal waste landfill. Such conditions are not always relevant to construction sites where there is hardly any organic material available. In comparison with the leaching test methods with proper risk assessment basis collected in this project, TCLP could not present the long term leachability and cumulative leaching quantities of heavy metals. Hence Risk could be assessed via TCLP tests. TCLP is only suitable for the characterization of hazardous waste, but not the suitability of recycling resources. 3.Preliminary suggestion of local environmental suitability of resources. In composition standard aspect, the concept of soil Pollution Control Standard in current Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act is quite similar to the intervention value in Netherland which is the used as composition standard for clean soil in BMD. In order not to conflict with the relative regulation in Taiwan now, we suggest that the composition standard for earth could be replaced with soil Pollution Control Standard as temporarily standard. Also the composition the composition standard for clean earth could be replaced with soil Pollution Monitoring Standard as temporarily standard. In solubility standard aspect, test methods should be established in order to retrieve corresponding data. Therefore, audition and announcement of the test methods should be processed before the setting new solubility standard. The immission standard is defined as a burdening due to leaching from a construction material which leads to a 1% increase of a compound in the solid phase of the soil compared to the target value for soil quality in 100 years averaged over the first meter of a soil which is considered to be homogeneous. Before the soil quality and further immission calculation methods been defined, using the BMD immission standard could be an applicable temporarily way. 4.Providing supporting test methods, simulating systems and standards for secondary material. ECN (Netherland) has spent decades on the development of expert system called LeachXS. The system could provide the user with environmental geochemical database for the environmental impact assessment modeling. The system could also be combined with the data acquired from the CEN/NEN leaching tests; immission value up to 100 years could easily be calculated. 5.Providing corresponding report to the Resource Recovery and Recycling Committee. Corresponding materials has been presented in the Resource Recovery and Recycling Committee in May 8th, 2010. The suggested topics proposed to committee members for further discussion are (a)Constructing evaluation processes and management systems for recycling products; (b)Establishment, evaluation and announcement of standard test methods for leachability; (c)Temporarily standards for environmental suitability standard in Taiwan and (d)Suggested plan for establishing the environmental suitability standard in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 (3) Construction Products Directive;(4) Building Materials Decree;Resource