

中文摘要 摘 要 本計畫於執行期間推動各項之工作,統計自98年3月1日執行至99年2月28日止,在計畫執行人員努力及環保局長官協助下,本計畫按照預定進度完成相關成果,其主要計畫執行重點列述如下: 一、空氣品質淨化區維護管理相關作業 本計畫至99年2月28日止,共辦理各空氣品質淨化區月查核208場次,包括莫拉克風災損失複查及環保署考核前查核,並特聘專家學者針對縣內暨設之空氣品質淨化區進行植栽健檢共14場次,另邀請環保署長官及學者蒞臨舉辦空品淨化區設置維護管理說明會議1場次。 另協助空污基金補助綠化植栽作業共完成補助14件,合計補助5,253,200元,並針對94年起已完成綠化補助設置單位進行複查作業以確認其維護成效,共巡查67家次。 二、裸露地調查及輔導改善作業 裸露地清查及建檔作業,包括98年新增列管之19筆裸露地(120,727㎡)及清查97年7筆未完成改善之裸露地(26,469㎡)總計列管26筆裸露地總面積147,196㎡。 本計畫至99年2月28日止,共23筆裸露地完成改善作業,14筆為經本計畫輔導協助進行改善(102,223㎡),其中9筆為未經輔導即自行改善(28,991㎡),實際面談輔導作業共20場次,主要輔導改善方式為植生及鋪面。 另協助縣內公司工廠進行裸露地綠化作業,共分成四批總計12家工廠苗木種植申請,共計植樹5,450棵,預計可增加縣內3.448公頃綠覆面積,其每年約可吸收二氧化碳79.304公噸。 三、推動紙錢集中及減量作業 本計畫紙錢集中焚燒活動訂定目標為收集500公噸各式金銀紙錢,並於98年4月份協助進行清明節紙錢集中燃燒作業活動,及於7月份辦理完成中元節紙錢集中作業座談會1場次、三區紙錢集中規劃方案說明會3場次及相關配套作業,完成中元節加強紙錢集中燃燒作業,且於99年1月辦理完成99年清明節紙錢集中分工及權責劃分座談會,分配協調99年清明節公墓紙錢集中燃燒事宜。 自98年3月1日至99年2月28日止共收集556.07公噸紙錢集中燃燒,已超出500公噸之計畫目標,且與97年同期相比有明顯成長,顯示民眾已漸能接受紙錢集中焚燒減少空氣污染物排放之觀念。依據各焚化廠污染物之處理效率估算,估計可減少因紙錢露天燃燒所產生之總懸浮微粒6.107公噸、硫氧化物1.037公噸、氮氧化物0.788公噸。 四、餐飲業陳情改善處理 本計畫協助「98年固定污染源稽查管制及減量輔導計畫」,針對縣內9鄉鎮列管名單之161家及受陳情或具嚴重污染事實餐飲業進行巡查及輔導改善油煙設備,截至99年2月28日止,共計完成203家(221次)餐飲業污染源巡查及基本管制資料建檔作業,並已輔導完成10家餐飲業者改善空氣污染情事。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質淨化區、綠化植栽、裸露地調查、紙錢減量、餐飲業陳情改善


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 7000 千元
專案開始日期 2009/03/23 專案結束日期 2010/02/28 專案主持人 陳欣茹
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 江冠葶 執行單位 上境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98年空品淨化區、裸露地查核及紙錢集中燃燒管制計畫.pdf 9MB
英文摘要 ABSTRACT During the execution of this project, from 2009 March 1st to 2010 February 28, the main focus of the implementation plan are as follows. 1. The Clean Air Zone management: Until Feb 2010, this project had handled a total 208 times of the Clean Air Zone check, including pre-audit review of Typhoon MORAKOT damages Loss and the EPA assessment. We also had held plant health check by experts inside the Clean Air Zone for 14 times. Moreover we had invited EPA officers and scholars to join the orientation of Clean Air Zone management. Besides, this project had assisted 14 examinations of plant subvention from the air pollution fund, the total amount is NTD 5,253,200. We also completed 67 times of the checking work to make sure the effect of the plant subvention. 2. Exposed lands investigation and instruction improvement: Exposed lands uncovering and filing work including 2008 7 exposed lands (26,469㎡)and 19 exposed lands added in 2009(120,727㎡), total 26 exposed lands, 147,196㎡. 23 out of above the 26 exposed lands are completed improvement work. 9 of the 23 are self-improved without assistance. The rest 14 are assisted by this project for 20 times(102,223㎡), and the main course are plants cropping and land surface unfolding. This project had also assisted the factories in side the county to process the exposed land to green. Total 12 factories had applied for the seeding. Total planted 5,450 trees, expected to increase 3.448 ha of green cover areas which will absorb around 79.304 tones CO2 per year. 3. Promote the joss paper centralization and reduction The goal of this project is to collect 500 tones of all kinds of joss paper. Also to assist the centralized burning work during Ching Ming Festival in April, and one symposium during Chinese Ghost Festival ,3 times of explanatory session for central planning program and other Related methods to complete Chinese Ghost Festival symposium. We had completed the plan of joss paper centralization and incineration for 2010 Tomb sweeping Day. From March 1st 2009 till 2010 February, total collect amount joss paper is 556.07 tones. We had surpassed the anticipated target and already improved compare with 2008. This can indicate that people have gradually accepted the concept that centralized incineration can reduce air pollution. Based on the incineration plant pollutant treatment efficiency estimate can be reduced due to open burning of joss paper produced 6.107 tones of total suspended particulates, and 1.037 tones of sulfur oxides, 0.788 tones of nitrogen oxides. 4. Improvement of the catering industry state one's case This project had assisted for the county's 9 townships roll 161 to conduct inspections of restaurants and counsel to improve fume equipment. Until 2010 February, we had completed a total of 203 (221 times) catering industry sources inspections and basic control information archiving operations, and has been counseling the completion of 10 restaurants to improve their air pollution violations.
英文關鍵字 Clean Air Zone, green plants, exposed lands investigation, Ching Ming Festival, joss paper reduction, catering industry state one's case.